Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Fellow Capricorns!

Happy Birthday my fellow Capricorns! Here's to making 2011 an amazing New Year! I hope YOU meet your challenges head on, achieve your goals and help others along the way!


Capricorn December 22 to January 19
Capricorn, whose constellation is known as Capricornus, is one of the oldest of the astrological interpretations.It is ruled by Saturn. Who climbs and schemes for wealth and place?
And mourns his brothers fall from grace, But takes what's due??
It is the Capricorn!!!

Its symbol is the goat. This is sometimes depicted as a sea borne hybrid or Dolphin. The image is often an animal with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish.

Personal Traits

The Capricornian is generally a serious character possessing a wry sense of humor. Independent, steady as a rock, Capricorn reflects earthy qualities that range from clever to vacuous. Mostly cautious, confident, strong willed, reasonable and hard working, Capricorns are a rock upon which to build. They are often aloof, shrewd, practical, responsible and persevering. They are capable of great endurance Reliable in any profession they undertake, but lacking in originality, they usually excel in following up on what someone else has started.

Within prescribed areas, Capricorn is a resourceful, practical manager. These folks set high standards for themselves and others. They are self critical, and work well in a disciplined environment, demanding equal measure from their subordinates.

A careful, ambitious planner, Capricorn moves forward with quiet, deliberate persistence. They can be frugal, possessing the ability to achieve results with minimum effort and expense. Highly organized, they excel in managing several projects simultaneously.

Capricorn will often vie for a position of authority. Once attaining control, they are demanding and exacting in leadership. Although firm, they are usually fair to people they deal with. They value tradition. http://www.findyourfate.com/astrology/Capricorn.htm

Capricorn (♑) is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. In astrology, Capricorn is considered an introvert sign.[2]

It is also considered an earth sign and one of the four cardinal signs. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Being the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn has been associated with the astrological tenth house. Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Capricorn individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun enters Capricorn by definition at the moment of winter solstice, or roughly at December 23, and leaves it around January 20. Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from January 15 to February 15.


Happy 2011 New Year!

Waving goodbye to 2010 and Welcoming 2011 with open arms!
Enjoyed both triumphs and tragedies and now it is time to start a new year with new opportunites.
Share what YOU plan on doing in 2011?! Happy 2011 New Year!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...