Friday, June 20, 2008

Hail & Farewell

Hail & Farewell

Those to whom we say farewell, are welcomed by others.


Last night –Thursday June 19, 2008 was our Toastmasters District 31 Hail and Farewell Dinner.
We said thank you and good bye to our 2007-2008 outgoing District Officers and we welcomed our 2008-2009 incoming District Officers.

As the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing, I wanted to give 10 of my top team members a special gift. The District Governor ordered 10 copies signed copies of the book Win Place and Show - by Rich Hopkins.

Although I haven;t physicall met Rich yet - I have become E- familiar with him on both the Public Speaking Igroops and the Champion's Edge. Rich came in 3rd at the 2006 World Champion of Public Speaking at the Toastmasters International Convention (TIC)!

I am very eager to meet Rich in Calgary at the 2008 TIC this August!

Check out his website!

Past District Governor, Victor Carbone, DTM performed the installation of the Top Three Officers – incoming District 31 Governor, Ariela Marshall, DTM, Lt. Governor of Education & Training, Sherri Raftery, DTM (That’s ME!), and Lt. Governor of Marketing, Bil Lewis, DTM and soon to be past District Governor, Cherylle Garnes, DTM.

Victor made a nice tribute to past District Governor, David McIlhenny and explained that David started the tradition of the Hail & Farewell Dinner in District 31 after seeing other districts recognize their outgoing and incoming District Officers.

Then outgoing District Governor Cherylle Garnes, DTM performed the “exchanging of the pins” between the outgoing District Governor and the incoming District Governor, Ariela Marshall, DTM. Cherylle explained that this same pin has been worn by a long list of leaders and she named each of them;

PDG, David McIlhenny, DTM – 1993-1994
PDG, Carmen Lowe, DTM 1994 – 1995
PDG, Dan Jones, DTM, 1995 – 1996
PDG, Stephanie Licari, DTM – 1996-1997
PDG, Ulysse Maillet, DTM – 1997 -1998
PDG, Marjorie Noack Schutt, DTM – 1998 – 1999
PDG, Allen Schmidt, ATM – 1999-2000
PDG, Victor Carbone, DTM – 2000-2001
PDG, Ruth Levitsky, ATM-G/CL 2001-2002
PDG, Paul Fischer, DTM – 2002-2003
PDG, Charlie Keane, DTM – 2003-2004
PDG, Chris Lowe, DTM – 2004-2005
PDG, Tom Weber, DTM – 2005-2006
PDG, Deb Cartier, DTM, 2006-2007
Cherylle Garnes, DTM – 2007-2008

Then came the “of the Year” awards.
“Area Governor of the Year”, Gregg Haas – (Last year I was the 2006-2007 AGOY)
“Division Governor of the Year” – Ed Skurka –
(who was also 2006-2007 Toastmaster of the Year)
“Toastmaster of the Year – Bruce Pyne
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

It is official we have been installed/instructed and next week we the Top Three and IPDG, Cherylle Garnes will travel to Rockville Maryland and attend the 2008 Region Vii Conference which includes District - 18, 27, 31, 36, 38, 45, 46 and 53.

The Senior International Director Val Albert, DTM’s theme is
"Region Seven Rocks" – "Catch The Wave"!

Val asked me to paint Region Vii Rocks onto little black rocks for the dinner banquet.
My friend helped me paint them and I mailed 300 of them to Maryland today.

As of today I have chartered 11 clubs and made the District 31 Club Goal. To meet the marketing goal I must collect 97 per caps (membership dues)!! Then on June 30, 2008 I will serve my final day as the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Education & Training.

As Immediate Past International President, Johnny Uy, DTM
would say it has been a “Simply Amazing” Toastmasters Year and I am so glad that I
“TOOK THE NEXT STEP and joined the leadership team!



Hail \Hail\, interj. [See Hail, v. t.]An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting. ``Hail, brave friend.'' --Shak.


Farewell \Fare`well"\, interj. [Fare (thou, you) + well.]Go well; good-by; adieu; -- originally applied to a person departing, but by custom now applied both to those who depart and those who remain. It is often separated by the pronoun; as, fare you well; and is sometimes used as an expression of separation only; as, farewell the year; farewell, ye sweet groves; that is, I bid you farewell.

Farewell \Fare`well"\, n.1. A wish of happiness or welfare at parting; the parting compliment; a good-by; adieu.

2. Act of departure; leave-taking; a last look at, or reference to something.

So farewell hope, and with hope, farewell fear. --Milton.
Fare thee well! and if forever, Still forever fare thee well. --Byron.


Rich Hopkins said...

Sounds like a great event! I heard you gave out some awesome books as well!

Dr. Sherri Raftery said...

Hi Rich!

That is true and how could I forget that and to credit the author??

I will go back and add this!!

Win Place Show - by Rich Hopkins

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...