Thursday, January 14, 2010

TM Semi-Final Speech Contests!

VP Pat Johnson - 2009 International Speech Contest Master - MGM - Foxwoods - Ct.

The Toastmasters International Speech Contest is changing this August 2010 year! Now ALL District Contestants will attend the Semi-final round of International Speech Contest. Here is the line from TM. During the past three years I have been amazed to be at BOTH the semi-finals as a SAA volunteer and have witness Districts Not Assigned Regions (DNAR) compete and only the winners would compete again on Saturday during the International Contest. I have also been amazed to witness members of my district come in the Top Three spots. Good luck to ALL of the contests - they put so much time and effort into competing!

Speech Contests

Each district will be assigned by random draw to one of nine semifinal contests to be held in August 2010.

The semifinal speech contests will be held on the Thursday evening of the Convention. The winners will move on to participate in the International Speech Contest Final on Saturday.

In addition, beginning with the 2009-2010 contest year, contestants no longer are required to present entirely new speeches until the final round. The speech given in the speech contest final may not have been given in any other International contest since January 1 of the contest year.

Travel (airfare or mileage) for all those participating at the semifinal level will be paid by Toastmasters International.

The following is the official list of semifinal speech contest assignments for the 2010 International Convention in Palm Desert, California. Districts have been assigned to the contests randomly.

Semifinal Speech Contest Assignments

Contest 1: 76, 37, 67, 61, 15, 52, 18, 6, 26

Contest 2: 35, 24, 45, 79, 58, 78, 84, 28, 31

Contest 3: 47, 30, 42, 36, 11, 57, 25, 32, 55

Contest 4: 71, 59, 75, 2, 73, 3, 81, 51, 16

Contest 5: 83, 60, 9, 82, 5, 85, 54, 77, 39

Contest 6: 63, 13, 43, 7, 69, 27, 21, 53, 66

Contest 7: 19, 62, 86, 70, 8, 72, 50, 49, 64

Contest 8: 12, 65, 4, 10, 33, 68, 23, 74, 80

Contest 9: 46, 14, 34, F, 56, 40, 38, 1, 22

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chartering Ceremony - Watch City Club # 1367868

District 31 - Division C3 Watch City Toastmasters Club # 1367868
Chartering Ceremony at Nova Biomedical in Waltham MA!

Photo taken by Club President Paul MacDonald's camera with timer
- Paul is standing far right white shirt & red tie.

Among the many duties I have as the 2009-2010 District 31 Governor is to conduct a Chartering Ceremony for our newly chartered clubs in the District. This particulary noon time ceremony was a special treat for me today because as the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing (LGM) the Nova Biomedical club suddenly "folded" which for me as the sitting LGM meant that I needed to make sure I charted another club to make up for the Districts club loss.

So you can image how elated when I got the email that Nova was going to recharter again!
I was excited to make the trip down Route 128 South to Waltham, Massachusetts. I asked how they came up with the new name and I found out that the club took a vote and decided to go with "Watch City" because the building across the street use to be the famous Watch City Company. (see facts below)

I presented the Chartering Certificate in a frame and a mini Toastmasters Banner - one in the photo to the Club President, then we handed out all of the Charter Member certificates and I also presented a Club Coach ribbon to Richard Baker for all his help with the club. There was pizza, cookies and Sparkeling Cider - and the club President Paul did a fine job making a TOAST!
Waltham is commonly referred to as Watch City because of its association with the watch industry. Waltham Watch Company opened its factory in Waltham in 1854 and was the first company to make watches on an assembly line. It won the gold medal in 1876 at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. The company produced over 40 million watches, clocks and instruments before it closed in 1957,_Massachusetts

The Waltham Watch Company, also known as the American Waltham Watch IOBNCo. and the American Watch Co., produced about 40 million high quality watches, clocks, speedometers, compasses, time fuses and other precision instruments between 1850 and 1957.


Nova Biomedical

Monday, January 4, 2010

100% Attendance

A school resolution S made entering the sixth grade was 100% attendance. I have been driving her to school each day since Grade K and I have to admit she did not have the best attendance record.

Perfect attendance or 100 % attendance means you can not be: absent, late, dismissed early or leave school for a an appointment even if you are brought back that same day - no matter how long or how short - the same day.

Of course dental and doctor appointments can get tricky - especially now with ORTHO beginning this January 2010 - because those appoinments are mornings only - but I even managed to change her that appointment to a holiday to accomodate this.

We have been doing well with 100 % attendace... so far and am thrilled that the 2009 school year is over. We have six more months but morning tatrums and the New England Wheather can create challenges. Fingers crossed that we make sixth grade 100% Attendance!

My Sixth Grader - S! First day of School Sept 2009
No more plaid jumper - here is the grey skirt, white shirt and blue vest.
Vice Principal Mrs. Spencer in the background
Photo taken by Denise Marquis Quintiliani
S & Sherri Raftery - First day of School photo - Sept 2009.
photo by Denise Marquis Quintiliani
Dictionary: at·ten·dance
The act of attending.
The persons or number of persons that are present.
The frequency with which a person is present.

Good Bye 2009!

2009 has been an amazing year for this 2009-2010 District 31 Governor! I have been leading a district with the help of very committed senior team leaders as well as awsome volunteers!
I have six more months to serve my term which will end on June 30, 2010 at midnite.

And single Mother of one amazing Tween daughter who is learning how to become independant of me...(sigh)...
S has an ortho appointment on January 18, 2010 and we are looking into High Schools already! Say WHUT!! On Friday I will be visiting the Boston Arts Academy for its admissions presentation. More on that soon.
So I am eargerly looking forward to all that 2010 has to offer with leadership and motherhood -
oh and the search of a new position!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...