Thursday, March 27, 2008
You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it”.
Elaine Agather
In August 2007, I attended my first Toastmasters International Convention in Phoenix Arizona as a “First Timer”. An amazing experience moving beyond my District 31, Region Vii and into the International Toastmasters world!! I met other District Leaders, International Directors, Toastmasters members, Professional Speakers, hearing moving speeches from W Mithchell and Barbara D’Angelis.
"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us
to be what we know we could be". Ralph Waldo Emerson
AND although there are MANY favorite meet and greets at the Convention – My especially “in Awe” moment was when I took photos with first leading lady – past International President, Helen Blanchard, DTM – who has an amazing story about how women were not allowed to be in Toastmasters until the 1970’s and Helen had to “pretend she was a male and went by the name of “HOMER” (More on Helen that later...)
To top it off I witnessed my fellow Toastmaster friend, Vikas Jhingran win the 2007 International Speech Contest and become the 2007 World Champion of Public Speaking! This was a special treat since I also saw how Vikas’ speech transformed several times when he received excellent feedback from D31 members from the Humor & Drama Toastmasters Club. Vikas was also coached twice from the D31, 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix’s during live coaching sessions in Boston and Rhode Island – And Darren asked ME to organize and host them. Thanks Darren !
I also attended Darren’s Get Paid To Speak Champ Camp and met other World Champs (1995) Mark Brown, (2000) Ed Tate, and had (1999) Craig Valentine sign my book!
Also met the 2003 WCPS, Jim Key and his girlfriend, Angie Flinn – actually Angie is now Jim’s fiancĂ©e – and soon to be wife on September 6, 2008. Angie Flinn, understand the leadership track she was the District 50 Governor! I have to give her a big thank you for featuring me as one of her friends and has my blog link on her BLOG. My turn to list Angie’s link on my BLOG!
As the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing I have been “TAKING THE NEXT STEP” by attended many DEMO meetings, meeting many members in the District and attending many planned events.
I have Chartered eight new clubs and three more are about to charter soon!
I am hoping to “TAKE THE NEXT STEP” on the leadership Track and since I won’t know the results until May 10, 2008 at the Fall Conference Business meeting where we will vote on another Leadership Trio and have a new District Governor with a new theme – I have to wait to post the news about my Toastmasters Story then…
“A leader is one who knows the way,
goes the way, and shows the way.”
John C. Maxwell
In the mean time, I have more new clubs to charter, membership dues to collect, and continue to “Share My Toastmasters Story” with others along my travels so they too can enjoy the many benefits of what Toastmasters has to offer within the communication and leadership tracks.
Just as my District 31 Governor challenged me during the last three years with their themes – my challenge to YOU is to “Create Your Destiny”, “Tap Into Toastmasters”, “Take The Next Step” in the Leadership Track, Humorous/International Speech Contest Track, Public Speaking Track, Writing Track/Club Officer, District Officer Track – the possibilities are endless and Toastmasters is what you make of it. And more importantly you will emerge as a better speaker, better leader and better communicator from being a member of Toastmasters International!
“For me, it took getting into a formal organization – such as Toastmasters – to understand what total communication is all about.”
Peter Coors, Coors Brewing Co.
Want to “TAKE THE NEXT STEP” and learn more about Toastmasters -
Want to “TAKE THE NEXT STEP” learn more about District 31, which covers eastern Massachusetts and the entire state of Rhode Island.
Want to “TAKE THE NEXT STEP” and contact me to join a club or start a new club in District 31?
Respectfully Submitted By,
Sherri Raftery, DTM
2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing
"Sharing My Toastmasters Story (Part V) to follow - sometime in the future!
“Shaping Ourselves…Shaping Our World” Toastmasters International 2007-2008 President Chris Ford, DTM
A charter is a document bestowing certain rights on a town, city, university, land or institution; sometimes used as a loan of money. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a bill of rights. The term derives from the Latin word "Carta" word meaning "paper".
The word leadership can refer to:
1. The ability "to get people to follow voluntarily."
2. Those entities that perform one or more acts of leading.
3. The ability to affect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission designated by the leader.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
It was January 2006 during a Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Training of Toastmaster Club Officers and the 2005-2006 Lt. Governor of Marketing, Bo Bennett, DTM took me into another room and “POPPED THE QUESTION”!
Not that question (!)…but a question that I was not thinking of even asking myself…Bo and I sat next to one another on a table and he said “Sherri what do you think about being nominated for the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing”? I will always recall my response “Me…Bo…Do you think I (that is a Capital I) could do it…?” as I smiled (actually I couldn’t stop smiling!). Bo also plugged this “District Opportunities” leadership position with “...they’ll send you on trips to trainings and conferences…OK I liked the sound of that… Then Bo went on… “The District reimburses you some of your mileage….”
BTW – if your Toastmasters Club doesn’t have a Free Toasthost website yet – this link will help you set up one!
An award is something given to a person or a group of people to recognize excellence in a certain field; a certificate of excellence. Awards are often signified by trophies, titles, certificates, commemorative plaques, medals, badges, pins or ribbons.
Monday, March 24, 2008
By Sherri Raftery, DTM
Dr. Ralph Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters
District Opportunities Come Calling !!
In April 2006, I received a phone call from the District 31 2006-2007 District Governor, Debra Cartier, DTM who asked me if I would be “interested in “Tapping Into Toastmasters” (which was her District theme) and serve as the A-2 Area Governor overseeing five Toastmasters Clubs on the North Shore of Boston”. The clubs included my ”HOME CLUB” - Rumney Marsh Club # 8431, Leading Speakers (Advanced) Club # 7275, North Shore Toastmasters Club
# 3908, The Back Talk Club # 9906, and the Toastmasters Club of Beverly Club # 735541 – (which has redistricted to Area A-1 for the 2007-2008 year).
Deb explained I would be making “Area Visits” to these clubs twice a year, as well as organizing the A-2 Humorous and International Speech Contests. Another plug was that I would be able to complete two advanced manuals from all the speaking opportunities! OK – I enthusiastically agreed to be the A-2 Area Governor and suddenly the Toastmasters Leadership Track began to open up in a bigger way!
On June 30, 2006, I completed the Competent Toastmasters Manual (CTM), now referred to as the Competent Communicator (CC). By completing that book I was now eligible to join an advanced club - Leading Speakers Club – There was a time that I thought I would NEVER be ready for this club – it hosts two bonuses – two past District 31 Governors, Victor Carbone, DTM and Paul Fischer, DTM!!
I created a bi-monthly “A-2 Area Governor Newsletter” – connecting all five of my sibling clubs. I coordinated the A-2 Area Humorous Speech Contest and International Speech Contests events. I attended to my administrative duties and always kept each club informed of the district events, news and announcements. I was starting to get to know other members within the district – While still being a member of my Home Club - I was beginning to move beyond my club and further into District 31!
I co-coordinated with Institution Club Coordinator, George (Mr. Nice Guy) Manoogian, DTM with an eight week speech craft class at the MCI – Cedar Junction Prison in Walpole, MA.
I also Co-Coordinated with the Youth Leadership Coordinator, Victor (Uncle Vic) Carbone, DTM with two eight week Youth Leadership Courses at North Shore Community College in Lynn, MASS.
I assisted many DEMO TEAM meetings with the 2006-2007 Lt. Governor of Marketing, Bo Bennett, DTM as often as I could fit in my already packed schedule.
I was the 2006-2007 “Dues Are Due Coordinator” – reminding clubs to pay their dues on time. (HINT – I also used this as my first High Performance Leadership Project – HPL!)
I was also the Fall 2006 Conference “Speaker Introducer Coordinator” and I also met our Keynote Speaker, the 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, Craig Valentine. (and as a gift I received a copy of Craig’s book The Nuts and Bolts of Public Speaking – (Thank you Deb Cartier) (and Craig for signing it when I attended your 2007 CHAMP CAMP in Phoenix… more on that later!).
Respectfully Submitted, by
Sherri Raftery, DTM
Latin for the Servant of servant
A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic that is of interest to its subscribers. Newspapers and leaflets are types of newsletters.[1] Additionally, newsletters delivered electronically via email (e-Newsletters) have gained rapid acceptance for the same reasons email in general is gaining popularity over printed correspondence.
Many newsletters are published by clubs, churches, societies, associations, and businesses, especially companies, to provide information of interest to their members, customers or employees. Some newsletters are created as money-making ventures and sold directly to subscribers. Sending newsletters to customers and prospects is a common marketing strategy, which can have benefits and drawbacks.
General attributes of newsletters include news and upcoming events of the related organization, as well as contact information for general inquiries.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." Earl Nightingale
After three years of being a Toastmaster – joined February 2005, and after three District Governors with three different themes, I earned my Distinguished Toastmaster Award (DTM) which is the “highest recognition in both the Communication and Leadership Tracks”!
How did I do it?
First let me add that as the District 31 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing, one of my Monthly Membership Building Contests is “SHARE YOUR TOASTMASTERS STORY”. Members from District 31 - which covers eastern Massachusetts and the entire state of Rhode Island send me their own personal Toastmasters Stories about how Toastmasters has changed or enhanced their own lives. (Yes, I got this idea from the Toastmasters Magazine!).
I post their stories and photos on the District 31 Website
Each month a winner is posted on the District 31 HOMEPAGE , receives a $25.00 gift certificate to the District 31 bookstore and a “Share Your Toastmaster’s Story” Winner certificate to put into a frame.
So I thought if I am asking members to share their stories then it only seems fitting that I should “lead by example” and “Share My Toastmasters Story” as well!
Here it is….please note I have MANY People to thank along the way!
In 2005, I saw a bulletin posted on my local cable station in Saugus, Massachusetts that read “Would you like to conquer your fear of public speaking”? I thought to myself …“Yes, I would love to conquer my fear of public speaking… AND…as a member of the Theatre Co. of Saugus I thought this would also help enhance my performance and Stand-up Comedy Skills".
I called the number and asked for Marlene Westerman, who was listed as the Vice President of Membership for the Rumney Marsh Club # 8431. Marlene invited me to attend my very first Rumney Marsh Toastmasters Club meeting at the Saugus Public Library which meets on the first and third Monday of each month.
I knew that Toastmasters (at least the meeting at this point) was exactly what I needed to help me with public speaking and performance skills and then later to my surprise my leadership skills were about to emerge!
The 2005-2006 District Governor, Thomas Weber, DTM’s theme was “Create Your Destiny” and I believe I did that when I became the Rumney Marsh Club’s, Vice President of Public Relations Officer. I LOVED IT! I created a Club newsletter, wrote stories, took photos, contacted local newspapers, attended events such as the Club and A-2 Area Humorous and International Speech Contests and more importantly I had a voice and a vote during our Club executive meetings each month.
I was worked diligently on my first speaking manual by writing and delivery delivering speeches, receiving feedback, learning about other roles in a meeting - My two favorites are still the "Table Topics Master" and the "Toastmaster"!
Floor: a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale; "what level is the office on?"
History: a record or narrative description of past events; "a history of France"; "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"; "the story of exposure to lead"
Report: a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"
Parlimentary Procedure
Parliamentary procedure is the name given to the set of rules governing the decision-making process used by a deliberative assembly. It is part of the common law and developed in the same manner, precedent by precedent. Like the common law, it was guided in its development by the power of legislative bodies to make rules and to enact laws.[1]
Monday, March 10, 2008
“Distinguished Toastmaster is the
I am a Distinguished Toastmaster - DTM!!
I knew it was coming because I submitted my Distinguished Toastmaster Award Application which is the final step on the journey to becoming a “Distinguished Toastmaster” DTM and it posted on the District Performance Website on February 14, 2008 (a nice celebration date - since I joined Toastmasters in three years ago February 2005!).
My Supervisor at work, Hermelinda Murrell received the letter first from Toastmasters that states I am a "Distinguished Toastmaster". Then I received an email from Toastmasters International that a “package” will be mailed to me within 14 days. My initial thought was that it would be a "certificate" like the many other certificates I have I received for all my other educational and leadership awards from Toastmasters International.
Then on Friday March 7, 2008 I received a UPS notice that I had a “package” for pick up from Toastmasters. I waited with anticipation over the weekend until today Monday March 10, 2008 to pick it up ….and couldn’t wait to open it! I brought it home and wrestled with the scissors and brown box it came in. WOW it is gorgeous! A large wooden plaque with raised gold letters and a black background. It reads:
“DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTER recognition is given to Sherri Raftery by Toastasters International for outstanding accomplishments and leadership excellence in the pursuit of the mission of Toastmasters International” signed in cursive by Donna H. Groh, Executive Director, on February 14, 2008. (now that is a Valentine's gift!)
I will be joining the many others who have completed both the communication and leadership tracks who are also listed as DTM;s in the “Toastmasters Magazine” and on the “The Hall of Fame” Toasmasters International Website.
AND to top that off I am eager to receive my Distinguish Toastmaster Medal DTM on May 10, 2008 at the District 31 Spring Conference, which covers eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. (how much recognition can you get from one award?)
More about my personal “SHARE YOUR TOASTMASTERS STORY” to follow!!.....
“There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment”. Norman Vincent Peale
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I Got the Lead Part!!
"I love singing, and I came to absolutely adore it
Julie Andrews
In January 2007 I posted that I was in a musical production "From Broadway to Hollywood" with my Daughter Sabrina and that we would be performing it again to help with a fundraiser on March 7, 2008 which is FRIDAY! The woman who was the lead in two of the songs decided not to be in this fundraiser show!
SSOOOO I got the lead part in the opening – we open the show with “Lullaby of Broadway” and I am the lead in our closing song
I was soooo surprised last night during rehearsal that the Director, Leo Nicole and Musical Director Nancy Lemoine agreed that I am the lead for those two numbers! I am SO overjoyed! And the best part was when I was done performing Sabrina came over to me back stage and gave me a gentle hug and said “You did great MOM, I am proud of you” – PRICELESS!!
Leo Nicole is a talented director one of the founding fathers of the Theatre Co. of Saugus which started as the group - TOWN CRIER
in 1969.
Leo also is responsible for started the Musical Theatre Department at Emerson College (my alma marter). I highly recommend it for those of you who want to learn about Musical Theatre - actually I highly recommend it for anyone who wants anything to do with Communications - it is the LEADING COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL in the Country (USA).
a. to show the way to, or direct the course of, by going before or along with; conduct; guide
b. to show (the way) in this manner
c. to mark the way for lights to lead you there
A town crier is a person who is employed by a town council to make public announcements in the streets. The crier can also be used in court or official announcements. Criers often dress elaborately, by a tradition dating to the 18th century, in a red and gold robe, white breeches, black boots and a tricorne hat.
They carry a handbell to attract people's attention, as they shout the words "Oyez, Oyez!" before making their announcements. The word "Oyez" means "hear ye," which is a call for silence and attention. Oyez derives from the Anglo-Norman word for listen. The proclamations book in Chester from the early 19th century records this as O Yes, O Yes!
Alma mater is Latin for "nourishing mother". It was used in ancient Rome as a title for the mother goddess, and in Medieval Christianity for the Virgin Mary. In modern times it is used to refer to the university or college a person attends or attended.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Gibbs - "Group Presentations"
Last night Mary and I presented at Gibbs College on Newbury Street in Boston, MA. I thought we both ROCKED!!
We were asked by the Instructor, Cheryl Dorsey to help the students with their Oral/Interpersonal Communications Course - with their "GROUP PRESENTATIONS" helping them with ways feel comfortable as a "group" and speaking in front of the class.
Mary and I did research and we offered many constructive tips and tricks. We started off with an ICE BREAKER - we had them write their name, major and a hobby/achievement/sport on an index cards, had them pair off and the go to the front of the room and read the other persons card. We had them take their personality tests because this will come in handy when they work in groups - especially with stregnths and weaknesses. (TAKE YOURS NOW!). BTW - Mary and are ar BOTH ESFJ - Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging - two alikes working together!
We played the "Yes But"..."Yes And" game - which is an improve excercize (DON'T DENY) because it stops the scene from moving forward. We wanted to let them know that everyone's ideas are important when the are Brain Storming their topic together.
We shared with them our personal experiences along with hand-outs. We wrapped up our presentation with a "Call To Action" and suggested they join a Toastmaster Club to help them with their "fear of public speaking". We left Toastmasters materials, passed along a sign up sheet clip board and today I am following-up with emails to connect the students with clubs in their areas.
This was a win/win - Mary and I were able to present Group Presentations to the class, simultaneously plug TOASTMASTERS!! AND Cheryl mentioned that she also teaches at Roxbury Community College... and would like to have us present there as well! More news as we go along!
Sherri Raftery, M. Ed. & Mary Cheyne, M. B.A.
Resource link we used on Group Presentations from David Nowell - Contents Copyright ©2002-05, David Nowell. All Rights Reserved.
Personality Tests link -
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