Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Little Soccer Star!

"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion". Mia HammAmerican female soccer player.

Sabrina is my little Soccer Star! This weekend Sabrina played with her Saugus Youth Association - U-10 Girls Wildcats Team for the Danvers Invitational Memorial Day Tournament at the Danvers High School soccer fields.

The Wildcats played two games on Saturday May 24th (tying one and losing one) and two games on Sunday May 25th (winning one and losing one). Sabrina scored goals in three of the four games (no one scorded on the tying game). She is such a natural athlete and I am so proud of all of her efforts she displayed to help the TEAM!!

But this tournament was different - this time each soccer coach was to pick one girl from the other team and award her with a "sportsmanship" medal after each game. ANY parent would want their own child to get picked for this medal - and as hard as Sabrina tried - with scoring and teamwork - she did not get picked and she asked me - "Ma what do I have to do to get picked"? I told her "Sabrina - I guess it just isn't your turn (yet) but you'll get it one day". The truth is ALL the girls deserved to get the sportsmanship medal - they ALL did their best yet only four girls were awarded the medals. It was nice to note that the Wildcat parents suggested if they had an MVP Medal - it would go to Sabrina (!) Thanks Wildcat Parents!

It doesn;t matter if Sabrina gets a Sportsmanship Medal or an MVP Medal or even a Trophy at the end of the tournament (which they ALL did) because for me, just seeing Sabrina interacting with her team, helping towards a common goal, respecting her team mates and opponents means more in the long run for her own personal growth and development. Plus she is already "My Little Soccer Star"!

This Wednesday May 28, 2008 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, Massachusetts I am being honored by The Home for Little Wanderers. for making the right choices and staying on the right path in my life when my life could have gone in either direction. I played by the rules of the game and I was also a TEAM PLAYER - I won because of my "good sportsmanship" and being recognized after all these years is certainly an honor!

Can you see the Win/Win value in working hard towards your "team goals" because at the same time you are also working on your own "individual goals and growth"? Throughout your life you will work on projects, events and goals with teams and although it is nice to be recognized with a medal or trophy - those are not the only measures of our success - so keep working towards your team goals, individuals goals and always show good sportsmanship.

...Sabrina one day you too will be recognized for all that you do and all that you contribute - My hope for you is that you too make the right choices in your life and all of your hard work and efforts will pay off - just like mine has/is....And since I can't resist - I just may go out and buy you a well deserved medal... my "Little Soccer Star!



Sportsmanship - peek at the longer definition

Sportsmanship is, in a basic sense, conforming to the rules and the proper spirit of sport. This is a term called etiquicy. More grandly it may be considered the ethos of sport. It is interesting that the motivation for sport is often an elusive element. Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors.



1: to acknowledge formally: as a: to admit as being lord or sovereign b: to admit as being of a particular status c: to admit as being one entitled to be heard : give the floor to d: to acknowledge the de facto existence or the independence of

2: to acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way: as a: to acknowledge with a show of appreciation b: to acknowledge acquaintance with

3 a: to perceive to be something or someone previously known b: to perceive clearly : realize

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...