Wednesday, August 20, 2008

WBUR - 90.9 Boston NPR News Station

Hey folks - I was interviewed on WBUR - 90.9 Boston's NPR News Radio Station a few weeks ago and it aired last thursday. Here are some of the emails that I have been getting!

Here is the link


Hi Sherry,

The piece on domestic violence aired this morning on Morning Edition. Here’s a link to our website if you missed it:

Bob really enjoyed the interview with you. We’re really impressed with how far you’ve come. Surely you’ll provide inspiration for others struggling with domestic violence who will have heard your story this morning.

I hope the Toastmasters Conference in Calgary went well! Best wishes in the future.

Thanks for everything,

Sarah Bush
Field Producer, Morning Edition
WBUR-FM (90.9) -- Boston's NPR News Station
617-353-0171 (office)
617-353-4747 (fax)



We can't thank you enough for sharing your story and helping us spread the word about the public health advisory and all that we are and can be doing.

Please keep in touch.



Toni K. Troop
Director of Development and Public Relations
Jane Done, Inc.
Direct dial: 617-557-1807


Sherri -- I just heard you on WBUR. Thank you for doing what you're doing -- you are eloquent and courageous. What you are doing will help a lot of women. Thanks, again and congratulations on your award.


Sherri: I heard your name mentioned on WBUR this morning about 5:55am. Did you
get interviewed about Toastmasters? I have been rummaging around their website
but haven't found the piece yet. If you could direct me where to look I would
appreciate it. Don

Don Bannon

MBTA Design Dept.
500 Arborway
Boston, Ma 02130


Hi Sherri,

I woke up this morning to your interview on WBUR. Not necessarily what should get people on the air but it sounds like things are improving. Congratulations on your Toastmasters award.

Best wishes.

Jordan Hegedus, CLU, ChFC
Beacon Insurance Group, Inc
528 Loring Ave
Salem, MA 01970

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...