Friday, September 5, 2008

2008 Calgary - Oh Canda! Opening Ceremonies

"The man who does not take pride in his own performance performs nothing in which to take pride". Thomas J. Watson (1874 - 1956)

I volunteered to carry the Republic of S. Korean (R.SK) Flag at the 2008 Toastmasters International Convention in Calgary - "Oh Cananda" Opening Ceremonies! I am looking for a Rep.S.K. District Website - but have only found club websites. If anyone out there can help me please forward the info. Of course I carried their flag with dignity and pride! Like I did when I was on the flag squad in high school while I competed in many competitions, marched in many parades and performed at many football games.

I was excited to finally meet my EDGE Friends during the "Get Paid to Speak" Champ Boot Camp and EdgeNet Summit (I will post more on that soon!). Another Fellow Edge member whom I E-met on the Edge Forum is Palmo Carpino and he carried the Italian flag (LUCKY! PREGO! - SALUTE!) -

Palmo although Italian - is from Calgary, Canada and he is VERY funny! He was also VERY accomodating to many Toastmasters and "Vill'Edgers as we Edge Members affectionately call ourselves. Thank you Palmo - it was great connecting with you!

The only place where I felt the 2008 "Opening Ceremonies" in Calgary may have fallen short was with the Keynote Speaker's Address - BUT maybe I was expecting a little more after attending my first Toastmasters International Convention in 2007 and hearing W Mitchell at the Opening Ceremonies in Phoenix, Arizonia.

Here is a copy of my District 31 BLOG post from 2007

KEYNOTE SPEAKER/Author!! W Mitchell

"It's Not What Happens To You, It's What You Do About It". W Mitchell

Good thing for inspiring books on long airline flights... back from PHX to Boston!! I completed reading my "signed copy" by the 2007 Toastmasters International Convention Keynote Speaker, W Mitchell - "It's Not What Happens To You, It's What You Do About It".

The book is a great read - but to hear W Mitchell speak is even BETTER - I do recommend both !! I met Mitchell in person - He is very charismatic - A person who has endured physical pain in two separate accidents; One from his motorcycle - becoming a burn victim and one from his private airplane - becoming paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

We could all learn many lessons in life especially if we believe too that "It's Not What Happens To You, It's What You Do About It" - Mitchell through these two tragedies became an in demand public speaker traveling all around the world inspiring audiences with his story(s) in his wheelchair.


Now when I compare the 2007 with the 2008 Keynote Speaker - it is not that the '08 didn;t have a great message, actually if it were a "documentary" certainly had inspiring moments, especially since he climbed Mt. Everest!

BUT, 08 just didn;t DELIVER his message in a way that was inspiring and uplifting to the audience. He did;t connect and he didn;t really have any "Magic Moments". The speech didn;t seem to be rehersed, and at one point he even said "Oh...Where was I" (?!) and this was while he was using Power Point!

Honestly when you are at the Toastmasters Convention - which is like our "OLYMPICS" of Public Speaking - the KEYNOTE ADDRESS sets the tone for the week. I hope that a fellow Toastmaster was kind enough to direct '08 to attend a Toastmaster meeting! Since that would be an excellent opportunity for him to learn how "to present his message so he can take pride in his performance and delivery".

When the BIG presentation comes your way - will you take pride in your delivery and be ready to give the performance that others are expecting of YOU?

Want to learn more about the Champions Edge? Use my affliate link to find out more

Or Toastmasters?

Toastmasters International Convention - is like the Olymipcs for public speaking...

A group of modern international athletic contests held as separate winter and summer competitions every four years in a different city. In 1994 the winter games were moved ahead two years so that the winter and summer games would alternate every two years. Also called Olympics.
A Pan-Hellenic festival in ancient Greece consisting of athletic games and contests of choral poetry and dance, first celebrated in 776 B.C. and held periodically until A.D. 393 on the plain of Olympia in honor of the Olympian Zeus. Also called Olympian Games.

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...