Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Linda Nathan, D. Ed founder of the Boston Arts Academy

Linda F. Nathan, founding headmaster of the Boston Arts Academy, has achieved considerable success on the frontlines of an urban education system in crisis.

Linda Nathan is the founding headmaster of the Boston Arts Academy, the city’s first and only public high school for the visual and performing arts. Under her leadership, the school has won state, national, and international recognition, including a Massachusetts Compass Award, a “Breaking Ranks” award from the National Association of Secondary School Principals, and a Mentor School award from the Coalition of Essential Schools. BAA sends well over 90 percent of its graduates—all residents of the city of Boston—to college.
Nathan’s method embraces the idea of asking good questions, and getting teachers, students, parents, and others to grapple with tough issues and work toward answers collaboratively and flexibly.

District 31 is excited to announne that Linda Nathan, Ed. D founding headmaster of the Boston Arts Academy - is our Communication & Leadership awardee for our Spring 2010 Conference on Saturday May 15, 2010 at the Hilton Hotel in Dedham, MA
It is official - I wrote to Linda and ask if she would accept District 31's request to honor her with the Toastmasters Communication & Leadership award on Saturday May 15, 2010 during our Spring 2010 Conference Luncheon and she said "yes" and that she is "very humbled". Honestley so am I. I am excited to honor Linda with her amazing accomplishments in education and the arts. Of course another bonus is that she too is an Emerson College graduate.
Wow what an amazing position being the District 31 Governor is - I too am "very humbled"!
You can follow Linda on Twitter and Facebook!
Read Boston Globe article about Linda and her new book


Boston Arts Academy
Founded in 1998, Boston Arts Academy (BAA) is the city’s first and only high school for the visual and performing arts. It was founded on the conviction that academics and the arts are equally important to student development and achievement. The arts are integrated throughout the academic curriculum motivating students with a variety of learning styles to succeed in high school and pursue higher education.BAA is committed to providing a rigorous arts and academic education to urban youth who seldom have the opportunity to focus on the arts.

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...