Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pardon Joe Donovan Part 3

Artistist - Eric Percoco

Broadside: Joe Donovan denied hearing


(NECN) - The NECN documentary, "Unequal Justice?" tells the story of Joe Donovan, serving life in prison for the murder of an MIT student in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Donovan makes a good case that his sentence is a miscarriage of justice.



Joe Donovan is serving a life sentence with no chance of parole even though he never killed anyone and never carried a weapon. A month after the documentary first aired, The Advisory Board of Pardons has denied to even hear Donovan's request for commutation. In a statement, Donovan's attorney said "Today's decision... has not dampened the spirits of the family and friends of Joseph Donovan. We remain firmly committed to winning Joe's freedom, regardless of how long it takes."Brad Puffer, the reporter behind the documentary, joins Jim Braude on Broadside to discuss the developments. http://tinyurl.com/3466qta

Passing along from Carol Hallisey:
Hi All: Joe Donovan was denied a hearing by the Board of Pardons. Many have asked what they could do to help. Until we regroup after this disappointment, it would be great if you would call Governor Patrick's office and ask him to reconsider the decision of the Board of Pardons and ...free Joe Donovan. Please be respectful when stating your request. Gov's phone #'s: 617-725-4005 and toll free: 888-870-7770. Brad Puffer was on the 6:00 Jim Braude news speaking about the denial of the Board of pardons. This segment may be seen on NECN later this evening. Prayers needed. Thanks very much. Carol

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...