Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Little Soccer Star!

"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion". Mia HammAmerican female soccer player.

Sabrina is my little Soccer Star! This weekend Sabrina played with her Saugus Youth Association - U-10 Girls Wildcats Team for the Danvers Invitational Memorial Day Tournament at the Danvers High School soccer fields.

The Wildcats played two games on Saturday May 24th (tying one and losing one) and two games on Sunday May 25th (winning one and losing one). Sabrina scored goals in three of the four games (no one scorded on the tying game). She is such a natural athlete and I am so proud of all of her efforts she displayed to help the TEAM!!

But this tournament was different - this time each soccer coach was to pick one girl from the other team and award her with a "sportsmanship" medal after each game. ANY parent would want their own child to get picked for this medal - and as hard as Sabrina tried - with scoring and teamwork - she did not get picked and she asked me - "Ma what do I have to do to get picked"? I told her "Sabrina - I guess it just isn't your turn (yet) but you'll get it one day". The truth is ALL the girls deserved to get the sportsmanship medal - they ALL did their best yet only four girls were awarded the medals. It was nice to note that the Wildcat parents suggested if they had an MVP Medal - it would go to Sabrina (!) Thanks Wildcat Parents!

It doesn;t matter if Sabrina gets a Sportsmanship Medal or an MVP Medal or even a Trophy at the end of the tournament (which they ALL did) because for me, just seeing Sabrina interacting with her team, helping towards a common goal, respecting her team mates and opponents means more in the long run for her own personal growth and development. Plus she is already "My Little Soccer Star"!

This Wednesday May 28, 2008 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, Massachusetts I am being honored by The Home for Little Wanderers. for making the right choices and staying on the right path in my life when my life could have gone in either direction. I played by the rules of the game and I was also a TEAM PLAYER - I won because of my "good sportsmanship" and being recognized after all these years is certainly an honor!

Can you see the Win/Win value in working hard towards your "team goals" because at the same time you are also working on your own "individual goals and growth"? Throughout your life you will work on projects, events and goals with teams and although it is nice to be recognized with a medal or trophy - those are not the only measures of our success - so keep working towards your team goals, individuals goals and always show good sportsmanship.

...Sabrina one day you too will be recognized for all that you do and all that you contribute - My hope for you is that you too make the right choices in your life and all of your hard work and efforts will pay off - just like mine has/is....And since I can't resist - I just may go out and buy you a well deserved medal... my "Little Soccer Star!



Sportsmanship - peek at the longer definition

Sportsmanship is, in a basic sense, conforming to the rules and the proper spirit of sport. This is a term called etiquicy. More grandly it may be considered the ethos of sport. It is interesting that the motivation for sport is often an elusive element. Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors.



1: to acknowledge formally: as a: to admit as being lord or sovereign b: to admit as being of a particular status c: to admit as being one entitled to be heard : give the floor to d: to acknowledge the de facto existence or the independence of

2: to acknowledge or take notice of in some definite way: as a: to acknowledge with a show of appreciation b: to acknowledge acquaintance with

3 a: to perceive to be something or someone previously known b: to perceive clearly : realize

Friday, May 16, 2008

District 31 Conference Results!

“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.”
A.W. Tozer

I am posting the Toastmasters District 31 International Speech Contest results which was held on Saturday May 10, 2008 at the Best Western Royal Plaza and Trade Show District 31 Covers Eastern Massachusetts and the entire state of Rhode Island we have Seven Divisions - A through G. D31 Open Ceremonies – With our Conference Host Ivan Jusino, if you ever need a young, upbeat, personal, friendly host who always smiles and brightens the room please ask my friend Ivan – he did an excellent job at keeping the conference moving!

Parade of Banners by Hank Fleming Immediate Past District 27 Governor, Aref Dajani, DTM sang the National Anthem and Region Vii International Director, Kristin Nicholson, DTM gave a great Keynote Address.

First Timers Meeting

Round Tables

Lunch in the Courtyard

Communication & Leadership Award

Michaela J. Gagne – what an incredible strong young woman!
Her speech will literally touch your heart! She speaks about unnecessary cardiac death -
She is the 2006 Miss Massachusetts – she was a three seasoned athlete and when she almost lost her life to heart disease. (I will look for her contact info and post)

D31 Business Meeting

Voting on the Top Three Team for the 2008-2009

District Governor, Ariela Marshall, DTM
Lt. Governor of Education & Training, Sherri Raftery, DTM
Lt. Governor of Marketing, Bil Lewis – son of PDG (1982-1983) Bettye Underhill

Division A Governor Satvir
Division B Governor Doug Sheadel
Division C Governor –from the floor
Division D Governor
Division E Governor Ben Lappen
Division F Governor Esther Paris

Distinguished Toastmaster Award
DTM Medals were Awarded - Each person was given to minutes to speak on what earning a DTM means to us

Tom Brien, DTM (5th one!) - not in attendance
Past District 31 Governor, Victor Carbone, DTM (4th one!)
David Cohen, DTM
Sherri Raftery, DTM
Gayla M.D. Reilly, DTM
Bill Santos, DTM - not in attendance

Break out Sessions

D31 Speech Contest
- During the District 31 International Speech there were 3 males speakers four females speakers – this was the order each spoke.

Speaker one – Mary Cheyne, “Real Power” - Second Place winner (also an Edge Member)
Speaker two – Jon Forsyth, “De-Boxify”
Speaker three – Elizabeth Freeman “Five Minutes” – Third Place Winner
Speaker four – Maryann Murphy – “Being a Beginner – It’s Never Too Late”
Speaker five - Paul Burke – “The First Step”
Speaker six – John Chapin – “Jump”
Speaker seven – Katherine Morrison “The Challenge” – First Place Winner

This year we had ladies in the lead

First Place – Katherine Morrison “The Challenge”
Second Place – Mary Cheyne, “Real Power”
Third Place – Elizabeth Freeman “Five Minutes”

First place winner Katherine Morrison will advance to the Region Vii Conference and compete on June 26, 2008 with eight other districts. If for some reason Katherine is unable to attend the Region Vii International Speech Contest then second place runner up Mary Cheyne will be asked to take her place and compete!

The winner of Region Vii Contest will advance on to the 77th International Toastmasters Convention international Speech Contest to be held on Saturday August 16, 2008 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the Telus Convention Centre at 9:00am and compete for the title of the 2008 World Champion of Public Speaking!

We have two first place winners from District 31! 2001 WCPS, Darren LaCroix and most recently 2007 WCPS, Vikas Jhingran. District 31 also has second Place winner 2003 David Sanfacon – other competitors from District 31 1998 - Dacia Jones Nickerson, DTM, 1980 Dan Blake, late 1950’s George Bissel. Good luck to all the Toastmasters who take the stage!

Fun Night
hosted by Past District Governor Aref Dajani

Overall an excellent conference – connected with friends and met many new members.
Friends - I want stressed this again - If you want to improve your public speaking skills - Take on the Leadership roles - you will constantly be on the Platform in front of large audiences - which will help you improve in a variety of settings!! Sherri Raftery, DTM2006-2007 "Area Governor of the Year"2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing2008-2009 Lt. Governor of Education & Training

Tomorrow I am heading over to Holyoke Mass to District 53 – I will post how that goes as well!



The word leadership can refer to:
1. Those entities that perform one or more acts of leading.
2. The ability to affect human behavior so as to accomplish a mission designated by the leader.

Heart disease is an umbrella term for a number of different diseases affecting the heart. As of 2007, it is the leading cause of death in the United States,[1][2] England, Canada and Wales,[3] killing one person every 34 seconds in the United States alone.[4]

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Love You The Yellowiest

How Exciting another one of my poems was published in the Spring 2008 Endicott Review, Volume 25, Issue 1.

I Love You The Yellowiest
By Sherri Raftery, M. Ed.

I love you the yellowiest, Sabrina like
the soft pedal of a GIANT SUNFLOWER,

Like the golden, blond, highlights,
of a spinning prima ballerina

I love you as sweet, as the honey,
that drips from a honeycomb.

I love you as wide,
As, the tallest cornfield,

I love you as sharp,
As the yellow jacket’s sting,

I love you as bright,
As a firefly at night,

I love you
As warm as, the sun,

With all my MIGHT!

Love Mama


I wrote I Love You The Yellowiest in 2004 when I was in graduate school at Endicott College in Beverly, MASS earning my Masters Degree in Education with a concentration was in Arts & Learning and my daughter Sabrina was in pre-school.

Professor Dan Sklar asked the class to write a poem along with a lesson plan. One day Sabrina brought a children’s book home from her school library called I Love You the Purplest, by Barbara M. Joosse. This is one of my favorite children’s books!! I loved reading it to her and the watercolored pictures were equally gorgeous.

This book is about a mother with two sons and each of them want to know who she loves the most – her way of answering is by describing how she loves one son with the color red and the other son with the color blue because red + blue = purple. After reading the book I felt inspired to write a poem to my child using the color yellow.

I submitted it to Professor Sklar and this year it was published in the spring edition of 2008 in the Endicott Review! One of my desires has been to publish my poem into a children’s book. I am going to do something I have been wanting to do since reading Barbara’s book I Love You The Purplest to Sabrina and writing my own poem I Love You The Yellowiest - I am going to contact Barbara Joosse by email and let her know how much her children’s book inspired me to write my poem and how I too want to publish my poem into a children’s book. Wish me luck!

Barabra Joosse’s Website


Do you write poetry or are you a writer? Ever thought of publishing a children’s book or another book? What is stopping you? Perhaps connecting with an author who has already written a similar subject can help offer you some pointers. I will let you know what I learn from Barbara!

Read some pages and see some of the art work of I LOVE YOU THE PURPLEST to learn why as a parent I fell in love with Barbara Joosee's Book!!

“Early in the evening two young brothers and their mama finish supper in the sturdy red cabin and set out to fish. While digging for worms, rowing the boat and pulling in fish, each brother asks his mama which one is the best at each task and, as they are being tucked into bed, which one she loves the best. Barbara Joosse's heartwarming text is beautifully complimented by Mary Whyte's engaging watercolor illustrations. Readers will delight in the tender message that every child holds a special place in a parent's heart. Awards and honors for I Love You the Purplest: American Bookseller, "Pick of the Lists" Child Magazine, "Best Books of 1996" Jr. Library Guild selection Parents, "Best Books of the Year 1996" Council for Wisconsin Writers Archer/Eckblad Award”



Children's literature is a literary genre that appeals to children, although many books within the genre are also enjoyed by teenagers and adults.



Publishing is the process of production and dissemination of literature or information – the activity of making information available for public view. In some cases authors may be their own publishers, meaning; originators and developers of content also provide media to deliver and display the content.

Traditionally, the term refers to the distribution of printed works such as books (the "book trade") and newspapers. With the advent of digital information systems and the Internet, the scope of publishing has expanded to include electronic resources, such as the electronic versions of books and periodicals, as well as websites, blogs, games and the like.

Publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copyediting, graphic design, production – printing (and its electronic equivalents), and marketing and distribution of newspapers, magazines, books, literary works, musical works, software and other works dealing with information, including the electronic media.

Publication is also important as a legal concept: (1) as the process of giving formal notice to the world of a significant intention, for example, to marry or enter bankruptcy; (2) as the essential precondition of being able to claim defamation; that is, the alleged libel must have been published, and (3) for copyright purposes, where there is a difference in the protection of published and unpublished works

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

"The mother-child relationship is very paradoxical. It requires the most intense love on the mother's side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother and become fully independent". - Erich Fromm

To all the Mothers who are biological, surrogate, adotive, step, foster and any other motherly type - Happy Mother;s Day!

Today is the celebration of Mother's - Mother's Day - for many years Mother;s Day was a very emotional day - during the past ten years I have been a MOM - and I wouldn;t want to miss this opportunity to be Sabrina's MOM! I have experienced the infant years, the toddler years, the childhood years and now I am being challenged with the TWEEN Years -

Sabrina stands about four feet ten and ten inches tall - I stand about five feet and two inches short! Can you image how it feels for each of us when I need to discipline her? At times we both just laugh. This is a new phase in our relationship - she is trying to assert her independance and everything that goes "wrong" is Mom's fault.

I was ten years old - Sabrina's age when I left my biological mother for the final time. I know I am blessed to be a MOM. We have a bond - I am proud to say that I know what it feels like to have THE BOND OF MOTHERHOOD! I can;t imagine what it was like for my mother to live without her four children. I look at Sabrina and I just can;t imagine how I would feel if she were to leave my care. I hope to continue to do my job and raise her to be a strong, independant, self-reliant woman.

I just wanted to wish all you MOM's who make a difference in the lives of children. And thank you to the Mother's that tried to make a difference in my life - even my biological MOM. - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!



A mother is a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring. In the case of a mammal such as a human, the biological mother gestates a fertilized ovum, which is called first an embryo, and then a fetus. This gestation occurs in the mother's uterus from conception until the fetus is sufficiently developed to be born. The mother then goes into labor and gives birth. Once the child is born, the mother produces milk in a process called lactation to feed the child; often the mother's breast milk is the child's sole nourishment for the first year or more of the child's life.

The title mother is often given to a woman other than the biological parent, if it is she who fulfills the social role. This is most commonly either an adoptive mother or a stepmother (the biologically unrelated wife of a child's father). Currently, with advances in reproductive technologies, the function of biological motherhood can be split between the genetic mother (who provides the ovum) and the gestational mother (who carries the pregnancy), and in theory neither might be the social mother (the one who brings up the child).

Mothers have historically fulfilled the primary role in the raising of children, but since the late 20th century, the role of the father in child care has been given greater prominence in most Western countries.[1][2]

The experience of motherhood varies greatly depending upon location. The organization Save the Children has ranked the countries of the world, and found that Scandinavian countries are the best places to be a mother, whereas countries in sub-Saharan Africa are the worst.[3] A mother in the bottom 10 countries is over 750 times more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth, compared to a mother in the top 10 countries, and a mother in the bottom 10 countries is 28 times more likely to see her child die before reaching his or her first birthday.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

2008-2009 Lt. Governor of Education & Training!

"This is the sweetest victory of all. This is a victory for the true believers; the people who, in difficult times, have kept the faith". (On election victory)Paul Keating # Elections, Winning, Belief, Support, Faith Quotes

This is a quick post and probably the shortest one that I have ever written - because I am still at the District 31 Toastmasters Conference at the Fun Night Event - with host Past District Governor, Aref Dajani. I am using the Best Western Royal Hotel and Plaza Computer to announce that I am the District 31 Toastmasters - 2008-2009 Lt. Governor of Education & Training!!

I will post more 2moro on MOTHER's Day!



An election is a decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold formal office. This is the usual mechanism by which modern democracy fills offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations.

read more -

Friday, May 9, 2008

2008 District 31 Spring Conference

2008 District 31 Spring Conference

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as
what you become by achieving your goals." -- '
Zig Ziglar, Speaker and Author

Tomorrow is my Toastmasters District 31 2008 Spring Conference. I have been making preparations all day. I am speaking for two minutes during the Distinguished Club & Educational Achievement, DTM Ceremony (that’s toastmasters talk for Distinguished Toastmaster – which I am as of February 2008!).

In addition to the Gorgeous Plaque that Toastmasters International – World Head Quarters –WHQ (hhhaa when I say WHQ – I think of old Batman and Robin Show – with Commissioner Gordon!) we get more recognition at our conferences with a DTM Medal! There are a bunch of us this year – at least three from my advanced club – Leading Speakers. The District 31 Governor asked us each to write up a DTM bio with a photo for the conference program and is also allowing each of us to speak for two (2) minutes on what it means to each of us. This is a good time to thank people along my Toastmasters journey.

I also prepared my LGM - Marketing Report to give at the Business meeting.
We also vote on the next slate of district 31 officers. I am “TAKING THE NEXT STEP” in the leadership track and am on the ballot no one else is running against any one for the top three positions – but anything can happen from the floor. If someone else wants to run – I am allowed two minutes to express to the District why I think they should vote for me. I also prepared campaign materials to display on the Candidate Corner Table.

I am looking forward to see who wins the District 31 International Speech Contest. Should be a great conference and I will post results – probably late Saturday night – we are having a “fun night” – so if I don’t post Saturday – I will post on Mother’s Day! I will let you know if I catch a bouquet of colors!

K – I gotta git to bed – I am picking friends up early! (I didn’t realize that the DG & LGET were staying at the hotel tonight – I have to admit I feel a bit left out).

Friends – do you still have goals that you are trying to reach? What types of things to you have TO DO or GIVE UP DOING in order to reach your goals? Can you see the value in staying on a course to get where you’re going and accomplishing things that you are passionate about?




A conference is a meeting of people that "confer" about a topic.

Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is a day honoring mothers, celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Subbing for Professor Troy

" Teacher : Student is a symbiotic relationship
in which the teacher must always be willing to
learn and the student must always be willing
to share." Copyright © 2003 Barbara E. Olsen (Pennsylvania)

I was asked to sub for Professor Troy on Thursday May 1, 2008 his aunt passed away in New Jersey. I gladly agreed to help. The first class was Youth Worker. Professor Troy and I are Toastmasters and members in an advanced club - Leading Speakers - Saugus, MA, suggested that I let the students know about my Orphan Train Trip and connection to The Home for Little Wanderers. I brought in pamphlets, books, newspaper clippings and other materials to share and plugged how children need Youth Workers like them that they can look up to and I even made this personal by saying that I remember many of the Youth Workers who helped me along in my life.

I gave about a 45-minute presentation explaining how the book Plains Bound Fragile Cargo connected Charlotte Endorf and me. I used many of the speaking techniques that I have learned from Toastmasters and from The Champions Edge. (use my affiliate link - ) I allowed them time to ask questions and I also asked each one of them to reflect back to me what they learned about my presentation. They were thrilled that I shared so much and were fascinated to learn about the Orphan Trains – which is a big part of American History – {and yet – even though many people are aware of the Orphan Train movement – many are not aware of this important part of history}.

The second class was the Human Services Field – I presented the Orphan Trains and The Home for Little Wanderers again with the books, papers and gave websites and my business cards. Of course I mentioned that I would be happy to speak to their groups – as some of them are in internships or working in the field already at various agencies.

The third class was another Human Services Field class – I knew they needed their time to work on their own group project which was an “Intervention” to be videoed – so I mentioned that IF we have time I would share about my "Orphan Train Trip" ECT. – But we needed to keep on point with their final presentation. We ran out of time for me to share - but they were thrilled to have me help them in their class and asked me to come back on Tuesday to watch their presentation (!) Now that is an offer I can not refuse!

Subbing for Professor Troy was a great experience and made me realize how much I miss teaching. For three years I taught reading at the Lakeside School which was a special education, behavior modification, special education, residential treatment home/school for males ages 7 – 17 who were “at risk” located in Peabody, MASS. I enjoyed working with college students and would like to teach public speaking courses. It was great to be able to utilize my public speaking skills, share my Orphan Train trip as well as my personal connection with the Home for Little Wanderers.


Did I mention that I that Sabrina & I are members of the Mystic Valley Railway Society, Inc. It is just $8.00 per year (I better get going and renew our membership so we can still recieve the Waybill newsletter, 2009 train calendar – (ooooh I meant to take some photos of our train trip to submit – the calendar is comprised of photos taken from members) and other membership priveledges

Oh and for you train LOVERS May 10, 2008 is the first National Train Day!!

Is there something that you would like to do or miss doing? What's stopping you from Taking The NEXT STEP? ....I think I know what I need to do... submit my resume to teach at the college level -



Substitution - Substitution (subbing)

Substitution is the replacement of one thing with another.
intransitive verb: to act as a substitute transitive verb1British : to read and edit as a copy editor : subedit2: subcontract 1


The word student is etymologically derived through Middle English from the Latin second-type conjugation verb "stŭdērĕ", meaning "to direct one's zeal at"; hence a student could be described as 'one who directs zeal at a subject'. In its widest use, "student" is used for anyone who is learning

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...