Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rhode Island TLI

“A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves”

Thanks to my “POWER HOUSES” in RHODE ISLAND; Ed Skurka, Esther Paris, Dick Karon (who couldn;t attend the training but is an Area Governor), today was our District 31 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training at the Cumberland Library in Rhode Island.

Thank you trainers Merrill Winoker did Pres training, Jan Wheeler did VP/E, Valerie McLaughlin did VP/PR, Tom Nyzio did VP/M and McCloughlin today was our District 31 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training at the Cumberland Library in Rhode Island.

I brought my “Excellence in Marketing” award that Immediate Past International President, (IPIP) Chris Ford, DTM presented to me in my hand along with a big hug at the Hall of Fame on the BIG STAGE. I thanked all the members there because they were very instrumental in assisting with paying their membership dues. Some of our newly chartered clubs were also there from Roasted Peanuts (Met Life), and Marion (near the Cape). In the works is Salve Regina University - should charter this fall.

Did I mention how much I LOVED MARKETING!!?? But, I am also eager to learn about my Lt. Governor of Education and Training (LGET) duties. I presented the Vice President of Education (VP. Ed.) with Jan Wheeler who had many visuals to enhance our session of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).

My part of the four core as the LGM was membership and dues, now as the LGET I am in charge of the CC’s and the AC’s or Competent Communicators and Advanced Communicators. One of my Educational Contest incentives is the “TRIPLE CROWN AWARD” for members who earn a CC + AC + a leadership award (well I am still working on what the prize will be) but I got the Triple Crown idea from other districts in Region Vii who have been using this idea for years.
Let’s hope it does well here too so it can stick around!

We had about fifty members in attendance with one remaining TLI on Wednesday August 27, 2008 at MIT in Cambridge, MA. We will wrap up our summer 2008 Club Officer Training and I think this year we have broken a record - so far we have 359 Club Officers trained!


Are You a Club Officer? Remember to GET TRAINED it is part of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP)!! It takes TEAM wotk to put the TLI Events together - step up to leadership and become a presenter for your district events!! You will enhance your public speaking, leadership, and organizational skills and continue to make lasting friendship in the process - It's A WIN/WIN!!



What is the Mission of the TLI team?

“Our Mission is to present outstanding training programs that give club officers the knowledge and resources they need to be successful in meeting the club Mission Statement”.

“We will accomplish this by using Toastmasters International programs and materials, using knowledgeable and trained trainers, and by ensuring consistency of training throughout the district”.

Why should I attend officer training?

“Beyond the requirements set by Toastmasters International and the corresponding credit for your club’s Distinguished Club Program; training gives you the best opportunity to meet your members’ needs”!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry:

I am a Toastmaster from across the continent (District 21) and also a fellow public speaking blogger.

I have visited your blog on numerous occasions. I think it is wonderful that you are using the blog platform to communicate Toastmasters (and related) news as a high-ranking District official. I wish more District leaders would follow your leadership and take advantage of this wonderful communications medium.

Keep up the great work, Sherri, and keep the blog articles coming.

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...