Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Worcester: The Bigger Picture" invite

“Domestic violence does not only happen to adults. Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend, and approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.”
Dianne Feinstein quotes (American Senator, b.1933)

I got the below invite today and I gladly accepted the chance to speak from a medical student who is organizing "Worcester: The Bigger Picture". Turns out the student heard my radio interview on WBUR - 90.9 Boston NPR News Station !!


Dear Ms. Raftery,

I am a second-year medical student at UMass Medical School in Worcester. This year I am co-leading an optional enrichment elective for first and second year med students and nursing students called "Worcester: The Bigger Picture." One of the classes is going to be about domestic violence but we are still looking for a speaker. I heard you on NPR recently and thought you would be a wonderful speaker for this class. It would be on a weekday evening at 5:30 sometime this fall, speaking to a group of about 20 students. I was wondering if you by any chance might be interested in speaking to us?

Thank you very much,


UMass Med School


Something I learned at the 2008 "Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp" in Calgary - AUDIO is instant!! Thanks Champs!!

What are YOU doing to let others know that YOU are an expert on certain topics and that YOU will gladly speak to their groups?

Champions' EDGE use my affliate link to find out more!!



Domestic violence

"Domestic disturbance" redirects here. For the 2001 film, see Domestic Disturbance.
Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse or spousal abuse) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is perpetrated by both men and women.

Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation, and threats of violence. Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuse are not criminal behaviors, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence. There are a number of dimensions including mode - physical, psychological, sexual and/or social; frequency - on/off, occasional, chronic; and severity – in terms of both psychological or physical harm and the need for treatment – transitory or permanent injury – mild, moderate, severe up to homicide.

Recent attention to domestic violence began in the women's movement, particularly feminism and women's rights, in the 1970s, as concern about wives being beaten by their husbands gained attention. Awareness and documentation of domestic violence differs from country to country. Estimates are that only about a third of cases of domestic violence are actually reported in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to the Centers for Disease Control, domestic violence is a serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32 million Americans, or more than 10% of the U.S. population.[1]

Popular emphasis has tended to be on women as the victims of domestic violence. However, with the rise of the men's movement, and particularly masculism and men's rights, there is now advocacy for men victimized by women.

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...