Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Leadership Bus - Ted Corcoran

"Great leaders unleash the collective talent and passion of people toward the right goal." Dr. Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

"Your ability to negotiate, communicate, influence, and persuade others to do things is absolutely indispensable to everything you accomplish in life. The most effective men and women in every area are those who can quite competently organize the coorperation and assistance of other people toward the accomplishment of important goals and objectives". Brian Tracy

My Lt. Governor of Education & Training, Bil Lewis, DTM bought and presented me a copy of The Leadership Bus - How to be a Truly Effective and Successful Leader, by Past International President, Ted Corcoran. I read it today and found some helpful tips to assist me on my leadership journey as the District 31 Governor. AND I am planning on buying his books for our District Bookstore as well.

Ted is a sweet gentleman from Dublin, Ireland. We shared some enjoyable moments during the August 2009 Toastmasters International Convention at the MGM - Foxwoods. We sat at the same table during the leadership luncheon and I learned some interesting history about TM and about Ted. He would be a great resource to use for writing a book on TM. Ted also hosts the evening Sing-A-Longs. He gave a nice memorial tribute to Past District 31 Governor, Charlie Keane.

Ted Corcoran is the owner of "Ted Corcoran & Associates" based in Dublin. His company offers one on one communication coaching, seminars on leadership, management, communication and presentation skills.

Ted has been a member of Toastmasters International, since 1985 and is still an active member in Fingal Toastmasters club. Toastmasters is the world's leading communication and leadership organisation, with currently over 220,000 members, in 11,000 clubs, in 90 countries around the globe.

Ted served as the organisation's International President in 2003-2004, after having served as District Governor of the UK and Ireland, and International Director for the rest of the world outside North America for two years. Altogether he has spent seven years on the International Board of Toastmasters International. He has delivered presentations in the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Denmark and many times in the UK and Ireland.


The Leadership Bus

The Leadership Bus Book is now available to buy. We use PayPal to accept credit and debit cards. You do not need a PayPal account to purchase the book. For your security we will only deliver to your billing address.

The book costs €10. Delivery to Ireland and Northern Ireland is €2.50. Delivery to everywhere else is €4.00.

If you live in Ireland or Northern Ireland please use the following button to buy the book:

"The Leadership Bus" Ted Corcoran & Associates Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Ireland. Phone: 087-256-3604 E-mail:

Friday, August 21, 2009

2009 Accredited Speaker Program

2009 Toastmasters Accredited Speaker Program:

L-R: Michelle Alba Lim., Mary Ellen Psaltis. Sheryl Roush, Karen, D31 DG, Sherri Raftery

Photo taken by Sheryl;s friend

Only two people advanced to the 2009 Accredited Speaker Program during the International Convention at the MGM Grand - Foxwoods. It began at 2:45 p.m. on Thursday August 13th in a large room with many who watched the second-level presentations to see who would earn the title of 2009 Accredited Speaker at the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

I am only going to focus on the second speaker MaryEllen because I watched her transform in 365 days. I was very impressed with how much she has improved from her professional attire, to the moment she walked onto the stage. I was impressed with many aspects of her speech and thought for sure that she nailed it and would pass as an Accredited Speaker. But to my surprise, she did not which proves just how hard it is to master this elite program.

Right after the end of the event I went over to Mary Ellen to congratulate her on how well I thought she did and to share that I took notes and was so proud to see her back up there. I asked her how she improved so much and was she coached? She shared with me that last year when she did not pass, Sheryl asked her if she could coach her. WOW that is SISTERHOOD!
Sheryl also coached the first speaker Karen.

I am so inspired by Mary Ellen - as I was last year for her just getting into the game - that I too want to try the Accredited Speaker Program. I have asked Sheryl to coach me too. If nothing else I know I will become a better speaker and presenter - as I have seen Mary Ellen do.

I realize that this will be a journey and if I pass the first round then I will have a chance to Take Center Stage and I want to be ready. This is where all my toastmasters skills and evaluations will come in handy. The truth is I have nothing to lose (except the $100.00 application fee), but everything to gain by taking this chance. As nervous as I am - I know the challenge will be PRICELESS! And I will be a better speaker because I will be focused on giving the message.

Now if you;ll excuse me my coach, Sheryl gave me my first assignment - I have to go pick a topic...Fingers Crossed!

OH and I also asked Sheryl to be my District 31 Fall 2009 Conference Keynote - Saturday November 7, 2009! And she will present an Accredited Speaker Breakout! Win/Win!!


Accredited Speaker Tips - Enhance your chance to advance

A professional speaker relies chiefly on the spoken word to leave an enduring impression on the audience. He or she is an expert who speaks.

Toastmasters International’s Accredited Speaker Program acknowledges members who already possess and regularly demonstrate expert public speaking skills. Many Toastmasters give acceptable presentations inside and outside of their Toastmasters clubs. But Accredited Speaker applicants must meet a higher standard. They have mastered professional speaking techniques and are better able to attract and hold the attention of an audience as they deliver their powerful message.

Members with this ability are rare and few. Less than 20 percent of all applicants have qualified as Accredited Speakers since the program began in 1980.

Each year a review panel appraises every applicant’s presentation for speech development, audience response, speech value, voice, platform style, appropriateness in word choice and correctness of language use. The most common recommendations offered by members of the review panels to applicants who did not pass the first application level are provided here.

Read More here

Accredited Speaker Program Application - Deadline to WHQ by November 1st

Sheryl Roush

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

3rd VP & Madam District 31 Governor sitting at the President's Dinner !

Photo by Brian Lin Copyright @2009

2009-2010 Third Vice President, John Lau, DTM and 2009-2010 District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery, DTM sitting at the Head Table during the 2009 Toastmasters International Presidents Dinner Dance on Saturday August 15, 2009 at the MGM Grand Foxwoods.

What a thrill to be asked by the incoming Third Vice President, Distinguished Toastmaster, John Lau from District 51 (Malaysia) if I would like to be his guest at the President's Dinner Dance! YES OF COURSE I WOULD!

What an amazing opportunity to be sitting at the head table (first tier) with all the BIG WIGS!! This is ONE of my MANY favorite moments at the 2009 International Convention.

OH AND even better, ...the announcer ..1995 WCPS, Mark Brown (with his mohogany voice) prounounced my name "spot on". Thanks Mark!


Toastmasters: Confidence, Leadership, Service!

Take Center Stage!

District 51

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Best Mate - IS A CHAMPION!!

District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery, DTM & Second Place WINNER 2009 World Champion Public Speaking, Mary Cheyne at the 2009 Toastmasters International Speech Contest on Saturday August 15, 2009 during the International Convention - MGM Grand, Foxwoods, Connecticut.

Photo by Don Saracen - Copy right @2009

My Best Mate Mary Cheyne WON Second Place during the 2009 World Champion of Public Speaking Contest! I am SOOO proud of Mary - I watched her grow as a speaker during the last
few years and I prayed for this day to come when she would TAKE CENTER STAGE at the International Convention!

Mary also supported me during my years in the leadership track and during our 2009 District 31 Spring Conference - we EACH had a victory! I was elected the 2009-2010 District 31 Governor and Mary WON First Place at the District Contest - we hugged one another and cried and smiled of course!

During the contestant interviews Senior Vice President Pat Johnson asked Mary who she would like to thank, and in her Australian accent; she replied "My District 31 Govenor, Sherri Raftery..." I was very touched and I have had many people come up to me last nite and say - Mary paid you a nice tribute!

Here is an email I recieved on FaceBook from incoming International Director, Theo Black "What a nice compliment Mary Cheyne paid you this morning at the contest. You are truly a servant to those you lead. Congratulations".
Mary and I have done some Public Speaking training workshops for students at Gibbs College and we gave a Public Speaking Presentation for the Essex County Youth At Risk Conference YAR.

I will gladly collaborate with Mary on other projects and help her any way I can.

Mary is one of My Best Mates, a true CHAMPION!

D31 Members with Champ Mary Cheyne

District 31 Toastmasters members which covers Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island Take Center Stage with 2009 WCPS, Second Place Winner Mary Cheyne on Saturday August 15, 2009 at the MGM Grand - Foxwoods - Connecticut during the 2009 Toastmasters International Speech Contest!

Photo by Don Saracen - @ 2009 Copy right all rights reserved

The 2009 CHAMP (Mary) with The President (Gary)

2009 WCPS -Second Place Winner, Mary Cheyne from District 31 with 2009-2010
International President, Gary Schmidt at the 2009 International Speech Contest on
Saturday August 15, 2009 at the MGM Grand - Foxwoods, CT.

Photo by Don Saracen - Copy right 2009 all rights reserved

Mary Cheyne and THE CHAMPS!!

2003 WCPS - 2nd Place Winner, District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery, DTM, 2001 WCPS, Darren LaCroix, 2009 WCPS 2nd Place Winner, Mary Cheyne, 2003 WCPS, Jim Key, 1995 WCPS, Mark Brown at the 2009 Toastmasters International Speech Contest on Saturday August 15, 2009 MGM Grand - Foxwoods.

Photo by Don Saracen Copy right 2009

2009 Toastmasters International Speech Contest WINNERS!!

Winners of the 2009 World Championship of Public Speaking

(L) Mary Cheyne (Region Vii D31) - 2nd place(C) Mark Hunter - 1st place(R) Erick Rainey - 3rd place

Photo by Don Saracen Copy right 2009 @

An amazing contest with amazing messages! "Nellie", "Green Tomates", "Feed Your Dog"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

LaShunda's Health Comes First!

2008 World Champion of Public Speaking, LaShunda Rundles

LaShunda responded to my email that asked if she was attending the 2009 International Convention at MGM Foxwoods today. She informs me that her health comes first AND she is doing much better!

Fingers Crossed she makes the 2010 Convention - Palm Desert California!


LaShunda Rundles becomes 1st black woman to win World Championship of Public Speaking -BNET Talkback

Monday, August 10, 2009

Aug 2009 Champ Camp - Speaker's Edge Book Launched!

"I have benefited in many ways from being an EDGE member such as being on the monthly calls, listening to the educational CDs, and writing on the EDGE Forum. Probably the most important benefit was the connection that Darren helped me establish with Orphan Train's speaker Charlotte Endorf who also wrote several books about the subject.

Charlotte inited me to speak at the 2008 Orphan Train's Celebration in Fremont, Nebraska. She also asked me to contribute my personal story about being an orphan from the Home for Little Wanderers in Boston Massachusetts in her book Undsung Neighbors! Now I will have a product to seee and plan on donating 10 percent of the proceeds to the Home for Little Wanderers - all thanks to being a Champions Edge member since 2007".
Sherri Raftery, M. Ed. Page 45 World Champions Edge Testimonial

Speaker’s EDGESecrets and Strategies forConnecting with Any Audience

Whether your next presentation is in front of three people in a boardroom or three thousand in a convention center, you can create the kind of connection that leaves your audiences wanting more.

We are here at the MGM Grand in Foxwoods attending the 2009 Champ Camp. You can image how excited I am to note that MY testimonial is in the new Speakers' Edge Book!

Here is a quick UTUBE video Anthony who just signed on to be a member today!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Carrying the Zambia Flag - 2009 TM Convention - Opening Ceremonies

Congratulations! It is my privilege to inform you that you have been selected to carry the flag of Zambia the following country at our Opening Ceremonies at Toastmasters International Convention at Foxwoods on Wednesday evening, August 12, 2009. Val Albert, DTM, PID Opening Ceremonies Chair

Zambia declared its independence on the day of the closing ceremony of the 1964 Summer Olympics, thereby becoming the first country ever to have entered an Olympic games as one country, and left it as another.

Victoria Falls is by some measures the largest waterfall in the world

Kalambo Falls

Mwata Kazembe XVII Paul Kanyembo Lutaba chief of the Lunda people in Zambia in 1961


The Republic of Zambia (pronounced /ˈzæmbiə/) is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. The neighbouring countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia to the south, and Angola to the west. The capital city is Lusaka, located in the southeast of the country. The population is concentrated mainly around the capital Lusaka in the south and the Copperbelt to the northwest.

Zambia has been inhabited for thousands of years by hunter-gatherers and migrating tribes. After sporadic visits by European explorers starting in the 18th century, Zambia was gradually claimed and occupied by the British as protectorate of Northern Rhodesia towards the end of the nineteenth century. On 24 October 1964, the protectorate gained independence with the new name of Zambia, derived from the Zambezi river which flows through the country.

The country moved towards a repressive socialist one party regime with Kenneth Kaunda as president. By the end of 1980s, the regime was among the world's most heavily indebted. Despite massive foreign aid Zambians earned less than they did in 1964.[5] In 1991, Kaunda's dictatorship was replaced by multiparty democracy and the country started some economic reforms, but much of the positive impact has been offset by the devastating impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.[6] The average per capita income is US $1150 (World Bank, 2008). About 60 % of the population are reportedly living on less than one dollar 25 cent per day. [7]

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Second Distinguished Toastmaster Award!

"We are delighted to recognize you as a Distinguished Toastmaster. Your outstanding achievement will serve as an inspiration to all Toastmasters"
Daniel Rex, Executive Director & Jana Barhnill, DTM, AS, International President 2008-2009

June 29, 2009 Distinguished Toastmaster Award - Sherri Raftery, DTM

"Sherri I am SO proud of you - for EVERYTHING! Share the benefits you have recieved from other Toastmasters, mentor and encourage them to take full advantage of the opportunities that Toastmasters affords. Show them what can happen when they have "The Courage to Conquer"! See you soon". - Jana Barnhill, DTM, AS

"Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) recognition is the highest honor that can be earned by a member of Toastmasters International. The DTM award is given only to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and communication skills and who have used these skills to help others in their self-development efforts". Dan Rex, Executive Director

I earned my second DTM. In the mail was my second plaque with my letter of congrats from Executive Director, Dan Rex and 08/09 International President, Jana Barnhill, DTM. A few weeks later I recieved another letter from Madam International President, Jana Barnhill who she took the time to hand write on the bottom of my letter that she "was proud of me for everything"!

Perhaps Jana wrote personal notes at the end of other DTM letters but for me - this was really special because it had been an extremely challenging 2008-2009 TM year in my District 31 - but with help of a BIG decision made by Jana and the International Board of Directors the course of the Leadership TRIO changed. Thankfully along came the PERFECT person to be a mentor and friend PDG, Bash Turay, DTM - who also served as a past Region Vii International Director! (...Someday I may post some parts of the lessons I learned...)

I am honored to receive the plaque, the congrats letters from Dan and Jana and even more so that I kept my promise - I have a "DATE ON THE STAGE" with Jana on Friday August 13, 2009 at the MGM Grand in Foxwoods during the Hall of Fame Ceremony at 1:30PM!

Hope to see you there! Take Center Stage!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...