Saturday, November 14, 2009

District 31 Fall 2009 Conference ROCKED!

"Rarely in life can people truly make a significant impact in another person life. The opportunity, experience and hope I received yesterday defies description, even for a TM. I will carry it with me for life. I sincerely apppreciate you arranging it. I look forward to being a part of TM in whatever capacity you feel best serve TM and the District". Ron

My District 31 Fall 2009 Conference ROCKED! IT REALLY REALLY ROCKED!
I was proud to be the 2009-2010 District 31 Governor during such an amazing event. We had a great turn out and the entire day went EXTREMLEY WELL with one minor incident (well major) - my business meeting...sigh!

The day was just grand from the Opening Ceremonies, Parade of Banners, National Anthem, Keynote Speaker - 2009 Second Place Winner, Mary Cheyne, to the Hall of Fame, Luncheon with Communication & Leadership Awardee, Dr. Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Edcuational Sessions, (Business Meeting - I'll get to that) and the Humorous Speech Contest!

I am extremely proud of my Conference Committee - especially the Co-Chairs, Satvir Maudgal (who was the 2008-2009 Division Governor of the Year!) and Dough Sheadel and amazing friend who always goes BEYOND the call of duty!

The lunch was delicious and the desert was a chocolate LAZA cake - out of this world YUMMY!

I have been getting amazing feedback and testimonials! I hope we can out do ourselves for the 2010 spring conference. It will be my final one as the District Governor and my final one as a District Officer in the Leadership track - other than serving as the 2010-2010 Immediate Past District Governor...

Well - I certainly could have done a BETTER job at my business meeting. I tried to run it professionally but there are times when things don;t work out they way we hope or plan. But for the spring I DO PLAN on running a tighter meeting and keeping it professonal. I am hoping to have an experienced Parlimentarian and my St. At Arms on hand to help me with any issues. This is what the leadership track is for to learn how to get better! I was proud of my Team!

So with that sad everything else went VERY well.

Soon the Top Three will be heading to New Jersey for our Midwinter Training Retreat and I am soooo looking forward to reconnecting with my fellow Region Vii District Officers, International Directors and Kristen, Darcey and Dan Rex from World Head Quarters!

Take Center Stage!

"Greetings Sherri, Bil, Ben, and the myriad others who helped to make the
Fall Conference a success. I have attended quite a few fall and spring conferences and want to say that this one was tops! Having Mary Cheyne take us behind the scenes all the way to the International Speech Contest was a great first act. I shall certainly remember her example of the Chinese bamboo shoot not showing until the 4th year of being planted"!

"The Karioke Power Point presentations were challenging and fun for our fellow TM (thank goodness not me) with funny evaluations by Bo and Ryan. Dr. Joan Wallace-Benjamin gave a great speech at the delicious luncheon, and my admiration for the Home for Little Wanderers and Sherri, particularly, grew even more".

"Our remaining educational session with Dennis Coppola and a fellow TM whom we shared with during that session, and the biggie--the District Humorous Speech Contest sure wrapped up a wonderful day. Well Done"! Ellie Lyman, CTM, CL Minutemen Club, No. 2288

"What a great conference! And what a masterful display of what a great team can accomplish"!
MJ Webmaster

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Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...