Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Change Is Good...You Go First!

Take Center Stage!

If you don;t like change, you're going to like irrelevance a lot less".
Tom Feltenstein

This book Change is Good... was a gift given to me (and all current District Governors) by a candidate from the 2009 Toastmasters International Convention. I appreciate receiving it and I enjoyed reading it. It has many great quotes! I recommend it to leaders. I especially like the cover because of my theme for District 31 this 2009-2010 Toastmaster's year

"Take Center Stage"!

21 Ways to Inspire Change by Mac Anderson and Tom Feltenstein This business gift book takes a step-by-step approach to inspiring change in any organization and is a must read for every manager in your company. Best selling author Mac Anderson and successful marketing consultant Tom Feltenstein join forces to share their expertise on how to get your staff to embrace new ideas and organizational shifts. Give every manager useful ideas for getting their team on board for change with this motivational gift book. Hardcover; 96 pgs.

Change is Good - You Go First Gift Book

Tom Feltenstein

Mac Anderson
• Founder of Successories and Simple Truths
• Author / Co-author of five books
• Dynamic leader on business issues

Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's Okay to Be the Boss - Be a Great One!

Great news, I'm the boss! I consider that a sacred responsibility. I'm going to make sure everything goes well around here. I'm going to help you get a bunch of work done very well, very fast, all day long. I'm going to set you up for success every step of the way. When you need something, I'm going to help you find it. When you want something, I'm going to help you earn it". Bruce Tulgan, P. 186 It's Ok to be the Boss.

In his recent best-selling book, IT'S OKAY TO BE THE BOSS, Bruce Tulgan puts his finger on the biggest problem in the workplace today--an undermanagement epidemic affecting managers at all levels of the organization and in all industries--and offers another way. His clear, step-by-step guide to becoming the strong manager employees need challenges bosses everywhere to: spell out expectations, tell employees exactly what to do and how to do it, monitor and measure performance constantly, correct failure quickly and reward success even more quickly. That's how you set employees up for success and help them earn what they need.

Here is a gem of a book! It's Ok To be the Boss, It was given to me after the Rhode Island Toastmasters Leadership Institute we had at Salve Regina by my Area G4 Goveror, Jan Wheeler. Jan has a signed copy by Bruce Tulgan who was our 2009 Toastmasters International Convention Golden Gavel awardee.

I really liked Bruce's energy and enthusiasm when he accepted his Golden Gavel award. I also enjoyed reading his book and am planning on using the advice he shares in It's Ok to be the Boss! (thank you Jan!).

Do YOU have any leadership/management books that you recommend?


Bruce Tulgan's Website

Bruce Tulgan's email

Book Description

Do you feel you don't have enough time to manage your people?
Do you avoid interacting with some employees because you hate the dreaded confrontations that often follow?

Do you have some great employees you really cannot afford to lose?
Do you secretly wish you could be more in control but don't know where to start?
Managing people is harder and more high-pressure today than ever before. There's no room for downtime, waste, or inefficiency. You have to do more with less. And employees have become high maintenance. Not only are they more likely to disagree openly and push back, but they also won't work hard for vague promises of long-term rewards. They look to you—their immediate boss—to help them get what they need and want at work.

How do you tackle this huge management challenge? If you are like most managers, you take a hands-off approach. You "empower" employees by leaving them alone, unless they really need you. After all, you don't want to "micromanage" them and don't have the time to hold every employee's hand. Of course, problems always come up and often snowball into bigger problems. In fact, you probably spend too much of your time solving problems and falling behind on your work . . . which leaves even less time for managing people . . . which opens the door for even more problems!

In It's Okay to Be the Boss, Bruce Tulgan puts his finger on the biggest problem in corporate America—an undermanagement epidemic affecting managers at all levels of the organization and in all industries—and offers another way. His clear, step-by-step guide to becoming the strong manager employees need challenges bosses everywhere to spell out expectations, tell employees exactly what to do and how to do it, monitor and measure performance constantly, and correct failure quickly and reward success even more quickly. Now that's how you set employees up for success and help them earn what they need. Tulgan opens our eyes to the undisciplined workplace that is overwhelming managers and frustrating workers and invites bosses everywhere to accept the sacred responsibility of managing people. His message: It's okay to be the boss. Be a great one!

Book Review: Jennifer Blanchard A Generation Y Perspective

It’s Okay To Be the Boss: The Step-By-Step Guide to Becoming the Manager Your Employees Need, by Bruce Tulgan


Toastmasters' most prestigious award, the Golden Gavel, is presented once a year to an individual who represents excellence in the fields of communication and leadership and is a non Toastmaster. Since 1959, this award has been presented every August at the organization's International Convention, and it is a highlight for many Convention attendees to hear a speech given by the year's Golden Gavel recipient.

See this link to view previous Toastmasters Golden Gavel Recipients

Friday, September 18, 2009

Applied for my Employee Identification Number - EIN

Starting a Business Most businesses start out small. As a new business owner you need to know your federal tax responsibilities. This page provides links to basic federal tax information for people who are starting a business. It also provides information to assist in making basic business decisions. The list should not be construed as all-inclusive. Other steps may be appropriate for your specific type of business.
I filed for an Employee Identification Number (EIN) today. I am slowly beginning the steps to building my own public speaking business. I am also in training and will be working for James Feudo teaching public speaking courses. I first met Jeff via the internet through the Public Speaking Igroops Internet Forums. I finally met James in person a few months ago at the Framingham & Natick Toastmasters Club's 30th Anniversary meeting.
We spoke after the meeting and he offered my an opportunity to help teach his public speaking courses. I was enthusiastic about the idea and next week will train and observe how he runs his class. More as it develops but for now I applied for my EIN.

JVF Solutions: Fast Results Through Powerful Communication™ - is your premier source for communication training and development.

JVF Solutions has been helping businesses and individuals achieve their goals since 1998. Our motto is “Fast Results through Powerful Communication™” which means we help you improve your communication skills so you reach your personal and professional goals faster. Our unique presentation style helps improve learning retention as we entertain while we educate. We don't just give you tips, we give you solutions.
James Feudo's Blog

Today I applied for my EIN, next week I will train with Jim to teach pubic speaking skills.
What steps ARE YOU taking to build your own business?
Share what is working for you...
Find Your Platform.

What New Business Owners Need to Know About Federal Taxes,,id=99336,00.html

Do I need an EIN?

You need an EIN if you:

Started a new business
Hired or will hire employees, including household employees
Opened a bank account that requires an EIN for banking purposes
Changed the legal character or ownership of your organization (for example, you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership)
Purchased a going business
Created a trust
Created a pension plan as a plan administrator
Are a foreign person and need an EIN to comply with IRS withholding regulations
Are a withholding agent for taxes on non-wage income paid to an alien (such as an individual, a corporation, or a partnership)
Are a state or local agency
Are a federal government unit or agency
Formed a corporation
Formed a partnership
Administer an estate formed as a result of a person's death
Represent an estate that operates a business after the owner's death.

When will I be able to use my EIN?
This EIN is your permanent number and can be used immediately for most of your business needs, including:
Opening a bank account
Applying for business licenses
Filing a tax return by mail. However, it will take up to two weeks before your EIN becomes part of the IRS's permanent records. You must wait until this occurs before you can:
File an electronic return
Make an electronic payment
Pass an IRS Taxpayer Identification Number matching program.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Home for Little Wanderers - ADOPTION

"As a resident and client of THE HOME for Little Wanderers in the 1970's, I was placed into several different foster homes while I was growing up, due to my parents inability to care and provide for my siblings and me".

"At one point I was ALMOST adopted by one family in particular, but then I was removed, which is not uncommon for a foster child. I always wondered what it would have been like to adopted and to have lived with the same family, on the same street, in the same town, in the same HOME".

"Although I will never know what that is like there are so many children who still need a HOME" . Sherri Raftery, M. Ed., Resident and Client 1978 - 1989, The Home Honoree 2008.

Consider adopting a child(ren) today - contact THE HOME.

The imposing facade of the New England Home for Little Wanderers in 1914.

The Home for Little Wanderers is a nationally renowned, private, non-profit child and family service agency. It has been part of the Massachusetts landscape for over 200 years, making it the oldest agency of its kind in the nation and one of the largest in New England. Originally founded as a orphanage in 1799 (see history for more details), The Home today plays a leadership role in delivering services to thousands of children and families each year through a system of residential, community-based and prevention programs, direct care services, and advocacy.

Our mission is to ensure the healthy emotional, mental, and social development of children at risk, their families, and communities. The Home's work is guided by a belief in the right of all children to be safe, nurtured and developed to reach their full potential. Although seemingly insurmountable obstacles are sometimes placed in their way, children’s resilience combined with the support of caring adults can make anything possible.

Placing-out could be temporary or permanent. The child above was boarded out by the Boston Children's Aid Society because her mother was ill.

How do I obtain my adoption record?If you were placed through adoption at The Home, please visit the Post Adoption section of our website or contact Susan Wilson at 617-264-5346 or for further details.

The Home for Little Wanderers 271 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
888-HOME-321 or 617-267-3700 Fax: 617-267-8142


The Adoption Program at The Home for Little Wanderers is dedicated to providing permanent homes for children and offers adoption services to families interested in children of all ages. We offer couples and single persons of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, socio-economic backgrounds and religions many options for starting or adding to their families.
The Home is a full-service adoption program placing infants, children identified internationally, and waiting children from foster care. The infant/domestic adoption services include identified, open and interstate adoptions.

The Home’s Adoption Program provides MAPP training, adoption assessments, and child-specific recruitment services to the Department of Children and Families (DCF). In addition, we offer post-adoption services including support groups, search/reunion services and counseling.

Adoption ServicesThe Adoption Program at The Home for Little Wanderers is dedicated to providing permanent homes for children and offers adoption services to families interested in children of all ages. We offer couples and single persons of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, socio-economic backgrounds and religions many options for starting or adding to their families.
The Home is a full-service adoption program placing infants, children identified internationally, and waiting children from foster care. The infant/domestic adoption services include identified, open and interstate adoptions.

Internationally, The Home's Adoption Program works with selected intercountry agencies to place children from Asia, Central and South America, India, and Eastern Europe. In addition, many adoptive families have children identified overseas who are relatives and need home study services in order to complete an adoption.

The waiting children program works in conjunction with the Department of Children and Families (formerly the Department of Social Services) to place children of all ages. These children often have many needs (emotional, behavioral, medical, cognitive, etc.) and some have experienced significant trauma. Many of these children are not yet legally free to be adopted, but need permanent families.

In addition, The Home provides MAPP training, adoption assessments, and child-specific recruitment services to DCF.

Lastly, the adoption program offers post-adoption services including support groups, search/reunion services and counseling.

Staff are available to assist families in finding the adoption program which is right for them and will answer all questions with honesty, compassion, and expertise.


MAPP Training - MAPP (Massachusetts Approach to Partnerships in Parenting)
Register for MAPP Training

The next class begins September 19, 2009.
"What is MAPP training?" is the question that many people ask when they learn that they need this 8-session (24 hour) course to foster or adopt a child from the Department of Children and Families (Formerly the Department of Social Services).

MAPP (Massachusetts Approach to Partnerships in Parenting) is adapted from a program developed at the Child Welfare Institute and has been redesigned by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families in 2001.

Typically, the instructors are experienced social workers along with an experienced foster or adoptive parent. This course must be started before the homestudy begins and it covers the information necessary to make an informed decision about adopting a waiting child from DCF.
The approximate Course Schedule is as follows:

The first meeting provides an overview of the course; an overview of the caregiving process and the permanency planning for children in state care. As well, there is a discussion that MAPP is the first step in the "mutual assessment" process; both the social worker and the parent need to assess if this adoption path is the most appropriate path.

The second meeting addresses a child's transition into foster placement; understanding the move from both the child and birth parent's perspective and learning about the experience of loss and the stages of grieving.

The third meeting discusses children's development; assessing "normal" development, the effects of maltreatment on development, the importance of "attachment" and the cycle of attachment.

The fourth meeting outlines approaches to behavior management; different management techniques, their implementation and special considerations for children who have been abuse and neglected.

The fifth meeting addresses the special needs of children in care; the importance of their health and safety, the need of children who have been sexually abused and the need of children that have been exposed to domestic violence.

The sixth meeting explores the importance of maintaining and supporting connections; to birth family, to culture, to foster parents and to the memories of caretakers.

The seventh meeting is typically a panel discussion with panel guests that are foster parents, adoptive parents, therapists, DCF lawyers, or other involved people in the adoption process. Class members are encouraged to bring family and friends to this meeting.

The last meeting in MAPP is a chance to revisit the information presented, the impact of placement on the foster/adoptive family and how to make the decision about fostering or adoption.

Registration for Adoption MAPP Training

Thank you for your interest in our "Waiting Children" Adoption Program and MAPP training.

The training is 24 hours and is required by the Department of Children and Families. Families who complete MAPP training will have a home study report, which can only be used for DCF "Waiting Children." Saturday trainings are accelerated and consist of two meetings per day.

When: Four Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: September 19, October 3, October 17, and October 31

Where: 780 American Legion HighwayRoslindale, MA 02131 Directions

To register for the class, or for more information please contact Bridget Chiaruttini at (617) 264-5313.

The Home supports domestic adoption by gay and lesbian families.



08/09 Lt. Governor - Excellence Award

TO LEAD IS TO SERVE, Dr. Ralph Smedley, Founder of Toastmasters!

I am thrilled to be a Toastmaster and I am thrilled to be a District Officer serving the Members, Clubs, Areas, Divisions and of course District 31. What I really love is when the members want to share their thoughts and words of praise. Here are a few kind words...and thank you to each of you for taking the time to write and send them to me. Keep Taking Center Stage!

"Sherri, You could probably teach a class on how to get the most out of the Toastmaster program in one’s career and personal life. I am very impressed at how you are able to leverage your experience and skills and fit everything together".

"I think all Toastmasters – including myself! – would be interested in a session on how to link what we learn in Toastmasters to additional career advancement". Daniel L. Pollard, DTM, TLI Dean, 2009-2010, Immediate Past Division C Governor Toastmasters, District 36

2008-2009 Distinguished District - (Six Years in a Row!) - photo taken by Bil Lewis

"We are all proud and honored to be on your team and will do our best for the roles we are given. You are a born CEO". Regards, Pranav Antani, Area G1 Governor

2008-2009 Excellence in Education & Training Award, Sherri Raftery, DTM - photo taken by Bil Lewis

"Hi Sherri, I just wanted to say it was a pleasure meeting with you yesterday at the TMI event in Milford. I enjoyed every time you spoke and look forward to seeing you
again at future events".
Regards, Chuck Maurice. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

2008-2009 Excellence in Education, LGET Sherri Raftery, DTM & Excellence in Marketing, LGM, Bil Lewis, DTM - photo taken by Bil Lewis

"Sherri, You were superb! I kept my eye on the way the conference ran and who spoke and how. Everybody did a fine job and you did a particularly excellent one. On stage, you were so professional, to the point, upbeat, confident, and well-dressed. That was grand to watch! ... And I caught you during the breaks and other times busy, engaged, working with people, making them feel good, you were toppen! Me, I was frazzled, trying to do too much. I gotta study how you delegate so well. And it was a blast! I had so much fun! Yow!!!!! Bil Lewis, DTM - 08/09 D31 LGM


Keep Taking Center Stage!

Friday, September 11, 2009

God Bless the USA - 911 WTC Tribute

New York Fire Fighters raising the American Flag
President Bush in a classroom being told about the NEWS
Lee Green Wood

Yes - I remember - more importantly - HOW COULD I FORGET? I know exactly where I was and when I saw the planes flying into the New York Trade Center Twin Towers. My daughter was in preschool - I was working at the Salem YMCA. I still tear up in disbelief, shock and could they? Why would they? God Bless the USA

9/11 God Bless the USA - Tribute

A musical tribute to the people who died in the terrorist attacks on America on Septmeber 11, 2001 and to the emergency workers. All are true heroes. There's a hole in the NY skyline I wish they ...

9/11 - Tribute September 11th, 2001

This is a video response to The Healing Power of Jesus Christ - Sculptures by Angela Johnson
By Jason Seth Adam Smith


Photos - New York Article

Artist: Lee Greenwood Song: Proud To Be An American

If tomorrow all the things were gone,I’d worked for all my life.And I had to start again,with just my children and my wife.

I’d thank my lucky stars,to be livin here today.‘ Cause the flag still stands for freedom,and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American,where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota,to the hills of Tennessee.Across the plains of Texas,From sea to shining sea.

From Detroit down to Houston,and New York to L.A.Well there's pride in every American heart,and its time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American,where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.

And I’m proud to be and American,where at least I know I’m free.And I wont forget the men who died,who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,next to you and defend her still today.‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,God bless the USA.


Lee Greenwood

Lee Greenwood (born October 27, 1942 in South Gate, California) is an American country music artist. Active since the early 1980s, he has released more than twenty major-label albums and has charted more than thirty-five singles on the Billboard country music charts.

Although he is best known for his single "God Bless the USA", Greenwood also has charted seven Number One hits in his career: "Somebody's Gonna Love You", "Going, Going, Gone", "Dixie Road", "I Don't Mind the Thorns (If You're the Rose)", "Don't Underestimate My Love for You", "Hearts Aren't Made to Break (They're Made to Love)", and "Mornin' Ride". His 1983 single "I.O.U." was also a Top Five hit on the Adult Contemporary charts, and a #53 on the Billboard Hot 100. A 2001 re-release of "God Bless the USA" became his highest charting pop hit, reaching #16 on the Hot 100.
YES - I AM A TWITTER MOM and a BLOGGER!! And today is a great deal for MOMS who TWITTER and BLOG - especially if you are a single MOM with a part-time job like me who loves a great deal and SAVINGS . I am a proud MOM of an 11-year-old TWEEN. And even though she attends a Catholic School and wears a uniform - she STILL needs to wear KWEL KLOTHES everyday.

In fact, she wears more than one outfit each day - believe me I do enough laundry to PROVE THAT. Sabrina LOVES fashion and what better way to state KIDS FASHION than shopping at the GAP - especially when there are coupons, end of the season sales, other BONUSES.

It is amazing to note that we have been shopping at the GAP throughout her childhood (ya that included age five) and I am happy to note that we are still shopping at the GAP!

Gap Store Near YOU???

Gap Outlet is running a blogging program with TwitterMoms. The first 50 people to post blogs about achieving high style at value prices will get a $20 Gap Outlet gift card! In addition, we have an exclusive, additional 10% savings you can share with your readers and Twitter followers (and use yourself) during the semi-annual Gap Outlet Baby Sale for newborns to 5 year olds taking place September 11-24, 2009. Click here to get the details. Happy blogging!
See other Twitter Mom BLOGS about buying at the GAP!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"You LIE" said the Heckler

The Baltimore Sun - Light For All - Second Opinion

Obama's health care speech to Congress - Andy Green - quoted below
"It was shocking to hear the president -- any president -- heckled by a member of Congress during a joint session, and Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina later apologized for yelling "you lie" when Mr. Obama debunked the falsehood that the health reform plan would cover illegal immigrants. But that unplanned outburst is less telling than the planned vacation from reality taken during the GOP's response to the president's speech".

"YOU LIE", Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina

The Baltimore Sun - Light For All - Second Opinion
Obama's health care speech to Congress - Andy Green

Thursday, 10 September 2009 15:37 UK
Lawmaker sorry for heckling Obama - Mr Wilson said his emotion got the better of him during the speech

Well, there you have it - a HECKLER ! Not sooo surprising because Hecklers are EVERYWHERE!

HECK...I HAVE been HECKLED when I did stand up comedy in Boston and Los Angeles.

In fact recently I have been heckled at a Toastmasters Event - but NOT everyone would know that because this heckler was making faces of disapproval and mouthing comments to me while I was presenting - but I had to use my professional skills and pretend I didn;t notice so that the event could continue to run smoothly and it DID run smoothly. I did not let this heckler get the best of me or the day. At end of the event this heckler even decided to tell me that I should have done things "differently" but I stuck to my THEME of Take Center Stage and my vision of how I want things done this year.

I have also Heckled other performers and today I can honestly say - SHAME ON ME - for not knowing any better. But after I took a Stand Up Comedy Class at the Boston Center for Adult Education - I learned NOT to do that to other performers who are trying!
Joining Toastmasters has also helped me to respect other people who are speaking at the lectern. And proper business and meeting procedures.

Although we are trained to offer feedback - not everyone wants feedback so I am caution and give if asked.

This is a lesson to learn for Senator Joe Wilson but more importantly for all of us. It dosen;t matter if you are the President of the United States or a person who is beginning to perform Stand Up Comedy.


someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections

A heckler is a person who shouts a disparaging comment at a performance or event, or interrupting set-piece speeches, for example at a political
The Heckler is a fictional character, a superhero satire published by DC Comics'. He first appeared in The Heckler #1 (cover-dated September 1992

The Heckler is a satirical sports newspaper created in 2003 by Brad Zibung (born 1976) and George Ellis (b. 1977). It is based in Chicago and chronicles the pratfalls of the fabled Chicago Cubs baseball club as well as other major Chicago sports teams and athletes.

Heckler is a 2007 documentary film, in which Jamie Kennedy, through interviews and archival footage, examines the means, methods, and motives of
Agent noun of heckle; one who heckles; somebody who insults, makes fun of, or teases

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


S with a six foot long Ticonderoga # 2 Pencil - photo taken by Bil Lewis, proud ower of the pencil.

There she is my soooon to be SIXTH grader. On thursday September 10, 2009 S will begin Sixth Grade at St. Pius V. School in Lynn, MA where she has been attending school since Grade K.

She is wearing the plaid jumper, with matching neck tie, yellow Peter Pan collar or blue socks. Sabrina never wants to wear blue socks again! Tomorrow she will be wearing the grey skirt, white shirt, blue vest, grey socks with no tie! Ibet by the end of eighth grade she will no longer want to wear grey socks either!



A narrow, generally cylindrical implement for writing, drawing, or marking, consisting of a thin rod of graphite, colored wax, or similar substance encased in wood or held in a mechanical holder.

Something shaped or used like a pencil, especially a narrow medicated or cosmetic stick: an eyebrow pencil.

A style or technique in drawing or delineating.

Descriptive skill: “His characters are drawn with a strong pencil” (Henry Hallam).

An artist's brush, especially a fine one.

Physics. A beam of radiant energy in the form of a narrow cone or cylinder.

Mathematics. A family of geometric objects, such as lines, that have a common property, such as passage through a given line in a give


One of the oldest and most widely used writing utensils, the pencil originated in pre-historic times when chalky rocks and charred sticks were used to draw on surfaces as varied as animal hides and cave walls. The Greeks and Romans used flat pieces of lead to draw faint lines on papyrus, but it was not until the late 1400s that the earliest direct ancestor of today's pencil was developed. About one hundred years later graphite, a common mineral occurring as soft, lustrous veins in rocks, was discovered near Borrowdale in northwestern England.

The Borrowdale mine supplied Europe with graphite for several hundred years; however, because people could not then differentiate between graphite and lead, they referred to the former as "black lead." Cut into rods or strips, graphite was heavily wrapped in twine to provide strength and a comfortable handle. The finished product, called a lead pencil, was quite popular. In the late sixteenth century, a method for gluing strips of wood around graphite was discovered in Germany, and the modern pencil began to take form. In 1779, scientists determined that the material they had previously thought was lead was actually a form of microcrystalline carbon that they named graphite (from the Greek "graphein" meaning "to write"). Graphite is one of the three natural forms of pure carbon—the others are coal and diamond.

In the late eighteenth century the Borrowdale mine was depleted, and, as graphite was now less plentiful, other materials had to be mixed with it to create pencils. A Frenchman chemist, Nicolas Jacques Conte, discovered that when powdered graphite, powdered clay, and water were mixed, molded, and baked, the finished product wrote as smoothly as pure graphite. Conte also discovered that a harder or softer writing core could be produced by varying the proportion of clay and graphite—the more graphite, the blacker and softer the pencil. In 1839, Lothar von Faber of Germany developed a method of making graphite paste into rods of the same thickness. He later invented a machine to cut and groove the pencil wood. Following the depletion of the once-abundant graphite source at Borrowdale, other graphite mines were gradually established around the world.

A number of these mines were set up in the United States, and the first American pencils were manufactured in 1812, after the War of 1812 ended English imports. William Monroe, a cabinet maker in Concord, Massachusetts, invented a machine that cut and grooved wood slats precisely enough to make pencils. Around that time, American inventor Joseph Dixon developed a method of cutting single cedar cylinders in half, placing the graphite core in one of the halves, and then gluing the two halves back together. In 1861, Eberhard Faber built the United States' first pencil-making factory in New York City.

Today, the hardness of a pencil is designated by numbers or letters. Most manufacturers use the numbers 1 to 4, with 1 being the softest and making the darkest mark. Number 2 pencils (medium soft) are used for normal writing. Pencils are also sometimes graded by letters, from 6B, the softest, to 9H, the hardest. The idea of attaching an eraser to a pencil is traced to Hyman W. Lipman, an American whose 1858 U.S. patent was bought by Joseph Rechendorfer in 1872 for a reported $100,000.

In addition to the conventional wood pencil, a number of other pencils are widely used. In the early 1880s, the search for a pencil that didn't require sharpening led to the invention of what has variously been termed the automatic, propelling, or repeating pencil. These instruments have a metal or plastic case and use leads similar to those found in wood cased pencils. The lead, lodged in a metal spiral inside the case, is held in place by a rod with a metal stud fastened to it. When the cap is twisted, the rod and stud move downward in the spiral, forcing the lead toward the point. The early twentieth century saw the development of colored pencils in which the graphite core was replaced by a combination of pigments or dyes and a binder. Today, colored pencils are available in more than 70 colors, with 7 different yellows and 12 different blues. However, the cedar-casing lead pencil—manufactured at a pace of 6 billion per year in 40 different countries—continues to outsell all of its competitors, including the ballpoint pen.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More photos from the 2009 TM International Convention

Top Tier - PIP, Bob Barhill (Jana's husband), Second VP, Mike Nataro and his guest, Tammy Miller, Third VP, John Lau and his guest, Sherri Raftery (ME), ID, Lee Holiday and another International Director (will get the name) -
Second Tier - Lyle Applegate, Mohamed, ID Keith Ostergard, ID, Kim
photo by Imedla Rocha

Darnell, Carmelita DeLaCruise, Sherri Raftery, Imelda Rocha during the Speak Easy Film

District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery, DTM - guest of Third Vice President, John Lau, DTM and Escort, Helmut, C'Gary at the 2009 President's Dinner Dance Reception - photo by Rose Beeson

District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery with the S. Africa - Zambia Flag - 2009 Opening Ceremonies rehersal - Photo by Brian Lin
District 31 Taking Center Stage with 2009 Second Place WCPS, Mary Cheyne! - photo by Don Saracen

International Director, Mike Rafferty, District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery with escort, Helmut C'Gary at the President;s Dinner Dance Reception - photo taken by gal pal Rose Beeson

2009 TM International Convention Photos from Friends!

D31 Lt. Governor of Marketing, D31 District Governor, Sherri Raftery, DTM, 2005 WCPS, Lance Miller - photo by Imelda Rocha

What an amazing 2009 Toastmasters International Convention !! I am posting some photos that friends have sent me along with some comments and the link to the Toastmasters International Photos from Jowdy - photographer Todd. I hope I am crediting everyone correctly.
Sherri: Meant to tell you when I spoke to you – the pictures from Jowdy are up and you are all over them!!

I saw pictures of you at the business meeting casting a vote, posing with Gary at the bus meeting, with the Top 3 winners of the International Speech contest, dancing at the dinner dance, you and John walking into the dinner dance, etc.!!!!

Take a look:

Enjoy! David S. Freedman, DTM - "Move Forward"

2009 International Convention Speech Contests Chair District 53 Chief Judge 1993-1995; 1996-2002; 2007-2009Patroon Toastmasters #3863Albany, NY (USA)email:
Past International President, Ted Corcoran, DTM Alfred R. Herzing, DTM District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery, DTM at the Leadership Luncheon - photo taken by Sheryl Roushe

District 31 Distinguished District Six years in a row with 2008-2009 International President, Jana Barnhill, DTM - photo taken by Imelda or Brian (gotta check that one!)

District 31 Governor, Sherri Raftery, District 3 Lt. Governor of Marketing, Rose Beeson and our Escort, Helmut C'Gary during the 2009 President's Dinner Reception - photo taken by Rose;s friend

District 74 Outgoing DG, Lois Strachan & District 31 2009-2010 Governor, Sherri Raftery at the District Governor's Reception - photo by current D74 DG, Craig Strachan, Lois's Husband

District 31 Governor, Past Region Vii International Director, District 36 2006-2007 Lt. Governor of Marketing, Imelda Rocha - photo by Imelda's friend

I posted this note on FB: Mels and I LOVE Region Vii PID, Val Albert, she is simply amazing and REALLY helped us through our LGM year - if not for her - Neither of us would have succeeded!

How kind of Val to repond: I LOVED working with both of you - I know though that you would both have succeeded no matter what because you are both strong leaders with a lot to offer our Organization. It was my privilege to say that I worked with both of you!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...