Monday, June 30, 2008

D31 - Out Going LGM

Marketing Quote of the Month"If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying "Circus Coming to the Fairground Saturday," that's advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that's promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor's flower bed, that's publicity. And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that's public relations. If the town's citizens go the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths, explain how much fun they'll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that's sales." -

Friends today is June 30, 2008 and it is my last day to serve District 31 as the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing (LGM) and my friend Bil Lewis will begin the new Toastmasters year tomorrow as the incoming 2008-2009 LGM and I will begin as the Lt. Governor of Education & Training.

It has been a wonderful year and as the founder of Toastmasters, Dr. Ralph Smedley would say "TO LEAD IS TO SERVE" - It was with great honor and pride that I served the members of District 31 as they were very instrumental in helping the Marketing Team by inviting friends and family members to Toastmaster Club meetings, volunteering with roles at the Demo Meetings, helping with new Club Chartering Paper work, Submitting new, dual or reinstated membership dues, Sharing Their Toastmasters Stories, Assisting at Toastmasters Booths in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island by getting the WORD out about TOASTMASTERS so that others will also enjoy the many benefits it has afforded each of us in district 31!

My goal with the current District Governor, Cherylle Garnes was to Charter (Build) 20 new clubs this Toastmaster year. I did chartered 12 with one more on the way and I have 8 more in the pipeline that are currently prospective clubs and will fully charter for the incoming LGM.

Fingers Crossed I met my Marketing goal for the Per Caps (membership dues) requirement as well! I will only know when ALL the paper work at Toastmasters International World Head Quarters is complete! If I make it I will recieve the Excellance in Marketing Award at the Hall of Fame during the Toastmasters International Convention in Calgary Alberta Canada in August!

I will miss being the LGM and I thank ALL the members of my marketing team and all the new Toastmasters friends I have met with in my district, region Vii and beyond!

When I was asked to become the LGM - I said "I have no idea what I am suppose to do - but I can;t wait to do it'! I am equally excited to begin my new term as the incoming 2008-2009 LGET!


Per Capita
per cap·i·ta Date: 1682

1 : equally to each individual

2 : per unit of population : by or for each person

Sunday, June 29, 2008

D31 WINS Region Vii Speech Contest - AGAIN!!

“You can speak well if your tongue can
deliver the message of your heart”
John Ford
Last night was the Toastmasters Region Vii Internationals Speech Contest. AMAZINGLY Katherine Morrison from District 31 (my district came in First place!!
In Second place was Nana Danso from District 53 and in Third Place was David Flowers from District 18

My New York friend Dennis Fokas was able to video the speech contest with his assistant. In addition – Toastmasters International was also there creating a documentary film on how a CHAMPION is made. Toastmasters has been actively traveling around and following speech contestants from around the world as he/she competes at the club, area, division, district and now region level.
This August in Calgary, Alberta, Canada Toastmasters will also film the Districts Not Assigned to Regions (DNAR) or the Inter-Districts Contest on Tuesday August 12, 2008 and then the final International Speech Contest on Saturday August 16, 2008. It is great to see Toastmasters taking an interest in this important part of how the CHAMPIONS become CHAMPIONS. OHH! Can’t wait to see the documentary and I especially can;t wait to see who WINS the 2008 World Champion of Pubic Speaking Contest! And wouldn;t it be ESPECIALLY nice to see a woman win as well!! GOOD LUCK KATHERINE!!

But for now, have a look-see at this video “Fear Of Public Speaking” from Toastmasters International. Among other World Champions of Public Speaking (WCPS), - you can see TWO from District 31 !! 2001 WCPS Darren LaCroix, and 2007 WCPS, Vikas Jhingran.

Do YOU have a fear of public speaking? Want to CONQUER your fear? Join Toastmasters!! And make sure to try BOTH the competitive Public Speaking and the Leadership Tracks.


Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. The art and science of public speaking, especially in a North American competitive environment, is also known as forensics. The word 'forensic' is an adjective meaning "of public debate or argument." The word is derived from the Latin forensis, meaning "of the forum." The sense of the word "forensic" that means "pertaining to legal trials" dates from the 1600s (Oxford English Dictionary) and led to the use of the word "forensics" in reference to legal evidence

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Region Vii Rocks!

This is a quick post from the Hilton Hotel in Rockville, Maryland.

I am attending the Toastmasters Region Vii Conference. I just completed the District Officer Training. Last night my "best mate" Mary Cheyne ROCKED at the Region Vii Humor Show! The audience LOVED Mary and you could tell she was enjoyed the audience. I thought to myself - WOW Mary is up and coming and I would not be surprised if she made it to the Toastmasters International Speech Contest! I can;t guarantee which year - but it is VERY evident that MARY is a speaking CHAMPION and I can;t wait to see that day arrive!

Tonight is the International Speech Contest - Katherine Morrison will represent District 31. GOOD LUCK and of course I will post the results. I better go change into my gown!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Camp Christopher

It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things.” Donald Miller

Today Sabrina started back at Camp Christopher an incredible day camp in Danvers, Massachusetts on the St. Johns Prep High School Campus. She has been attending since she was five-years-old and is now 10-years-old. She stands about four feet and 11 inches. I am five feet two inches. When I dropped her off she was nervous, afraid she wouldn’t “know anyone” but the same counselors and some of the same campers are there each year. That is an important factor that she has consistency like she does at St. Pius V. School where she has been attending since Kindergarten and will be entering the fifth grade in the fall.

That fact that she was a little nervous before I left her made it a little tough to leave her but what strikes me is that she will be flying on a plane (alone) and meeting me in Washington in August and has no anxieties about it – but this seemed to be a bit of an adjustment. I can understand it because it is a lot like the fear of public speaking for many people, who are afraid to get up and speak in front of people. But once they start and the more they do it - the better they get at it. So for the fifth year in a row - I hope she is getting the hang of it!

When I arrived to pick Sabrina up from camp – Mr. Joe – who runs the camp was making announcements and sending children to their proper buses and dismissing the others to their parents.

Sabrina saw me and suddenly she came running from across the gym to meet me. It was a moment that can’t be duplicated too often but the idea that my 10-year-old daughter still gets excited to see her MOM (that’s me) was a little parenting gift that I wasn’t expecting to arrive but when it does I know it is a "special delivery"!

As a Parent - DO YOU CATCH those "Unexpected Parenting Gifts"?
The little glances? The reaching up and holding hands? The pats on your shoulder, The surprise I LOVE YOUS? The hugs from behind or a tug on your leg?

BE READY FOR THEM and enjoy them NOW - someday they;ll be meant for someone else!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 2008 Summer TLI

Today Saturday June 21, 2008 was our first of seven of our District 31 Toastmaster Leadership Institutes - TLI’s when we train the seven club officers – President, Vice President of Education, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Public Relations, Sgt. At Arms.

The tradition in District 31 is to have the current Lt. Governor of Education & Training Plan the first TLI – and on July 1, 2008 I will be the incoming Lt. Governor of Education & Training!!
We had a great day of training at the great location and beautiful Babson College Campus. The incoming Governor gave a speech and shared her theme – “Speak Up and Change The World” and she called her District team up incoming Lt. Governor of Marketing, Bil Lewis, DTM and me (Lt. Governor of Education & Training) to speak for a few moments.

Bil and I also dressed in historical costumes to let the district know about the special event we have planned at the MIT – Humor & Drama Club on July 5th to celebrate the 4th of July with Historical Speeches. I am going to deliver Susan B. Anthony’s Speech on Woman’s right to vote!

The best part of the TLI was when my Best Mate, Mary Cheyne shared with me that SHE is going to be in the Region Vii Conference Humorous Showcase because first place winner Joel Biles is unable to attend! Good Luck Mary – Good On Ya Mate!!

Do YOU ever compete in speech contests? Sometime coming in first, the first time isn’t as great as coming in second and then being the replacement. Somehow this seems more like a timely gift!


activity leading to skilled behavior
education: the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"


a setting in which something can be displayed to best effect; "it was a showcase for democracy in Africa"
case: a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hail & Farewell

Hail & Farewell

Those to whom we say farewell, are welcomed by others.


Last night –Thursday June 19, 2008 was our Toastmasters District 31 Hail and Farewell Dinner.
We said thank you and good bye to our 2007-2008 outgoing District Officers and we welcomed our 2008-2009 incoming District Officers.

As the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Marketing, I wanted to give 10 of my top team members a special gift. The District Governor ordered 10 copies signed copies of the book Win Place and Show - by Rich Hopkins.

Although I haven;t physicall met Rich yet - I have become E- familiar with him on both the Public Speaking Igroops and the Champion's Edge. Rich came in 3rd at the 2006 World Champion of Public Speaking at the Toastmasters International Convention (TIC)!

I am very eager to meet Rich in Calgary at the 2008 TIC this August!

Check out his website!

Past District Governor, Victor Carbone, DTM performed the installation of the Top Three Officers – incoming District 31 Governor, Ariela Marshall, DTM, Lt. Governor of Education & Training, Sherri Raftery, DTM (That’s ME!), and Lt. Governor of Marketing, Bil Lewis, DTM and soon to be past District Governor, Cherylle Garnes, DTM.

Victor made a nice tribute to past District Governor, David McIlhenny and explained that David started the tradition of the Hail & Farewell Dinner in District 31 after seeing other districts recognize their outgoing and incoming District Officers.

Then outgoing District Governor Cherylle Garnes, DTM performed the “exchanging of the pins” between the outgoing District Governor and the incoming District Governor, Ariela Marshall, DTM. Cherylle explained that this same pin has been worn by a long list of leaders and she named each of them;

PDG, David McIlhenny, DTM – 1993-1994
PDG, Carmen Lowe, DTM 1994 – 1995
PDG, Dan Jones, DTM, 1995 – 1996
PDG, Stephanie Licari, DTM – 1996-1997
PDG, Ulysse Maillet, DTM – 1997 -1998
PDG, Marjorie Noack Schutt, DTM – 1998 – 1999
PDG, Allen Schmidt, ATM – 1999-2000
PDG, Victor Carbone, DTM – 2000-2001
PDG, Ruth Levitsky, ATM-G/CL 2001-2002
PDG, Paul Fischer, DTM – 2002-2003
PDG, Charlie Keane, DTM – 2003-2004
PDG, Chris Lowe, DTM – 2004-2005
PDG, Tom Weber, DTM – 2005-2006
PDG, Deb Cartier, DTM, 2006-2007
Cherylle Garnes, DTM – 2007-2008

Then came the “of the Year” awards.
“Area Governor of the Year”, Gregg Haas – (Last year I was the 2006-2007 AGOY)
“Division Governor of the Year” – Ed Skurka –
(who was also 2006-2007 Toastmaster of the Year)
“Toastmaster of the Year – Bruce Pyne
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

It is official we have been installed/instructed and next week we the Top Three and IPDG, Cherylle Garnes will travel to Rockville Maryland and attend the 2008 Region Vii Conference which includes District - 18, 27, 31, 36, 38, 45, 46 and 53.

The Senior International Director Val Albert, DTM’s theme is
"Region Seven Rocks" – "Catch The Wave"!

Val asked me to paint Region Vii Rocks onto little black rocks for the dinner banquet.
My friend helped me paint them and I mailed 300 of them to Maryland today.

As of today I have chartered 11 clubs and made the District 31 Club Goal. To meet the marketing goal I must collect 97 per caps (membership dues)!! Then on June 30, 2008 I will serve my final day as the 2007-2008 Lt. Governor of Education & Training.

As Immediate Past International President, Johnny Uy, DTM
would say it has been a “Simply Amazing” Toastmasters Year and I am so glad that I
“TOOK THE NEXT STEP and joined the leadership team!



Hail \Hail\, interj. [See Hail, v. t.]An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting. ``Hail, brave friend.'' --Shak.


Farewell \Fare`well"\, interj. [Fare (thou, you) + well.]Go well; good-by; adieu; -- originally applied to a person departing, but by custom now applied both to those who depart and those who remain. It is often separated by the pronoun; as, fare you well; and is sometimes used as an expression of separation only; as, farewell the year; farewell, ye sweet groves; that is, I bid you farewell.

Farewell \Fare`well"\, n.1. A wish of happiness or welfare at parting; the parting compliment; a good-by; adieu.

2. Act of departure; leave-taking; a last look at, or reference to something.

So farewell hope, and with hope, farewell fear. --Milton.
Fare thee well! and if forever, Still forever fare thee well. --Byron.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Moving Up Ceremony - Summer Camp

All we need is the truth in our hand. Someone to call a friend. Never fear the darkness. All we need is just the sun in the sky. And the hope of a summer to come with the meaning of love.” Anonymous

On Friday June 13, 2008 at about 10:30 AM Sabrina had her “Moving Up Ceremony” at St. Pius V. School from forth (4th) grade to fifth (5th) grade. Of course I teared up but what mother wouldn’t and I even witnessed a few dads getting emotional.

To celebrate I took Sabrina to lunch at our favorite Thai Food Restaurant in Lynn to split our favorite dish – wide noodles mixed with beef, chicken and veggies with side of white rice and of course our refreshing Thai ice teas!!

By next Monday June 23rd Sabrina will be back at Camp Christopher summer camp where she has been attending since she was five-years- old. Camp Christopher is located in Danvers, MA at St. John’s Prep Danvers and during the school months is an all male Catholic high school. But for the next eight weeks of summer it will be filled with fun activities including Sabrina’s favorites; swimming, rock climbing and mini golf!


Do YOU remember being promoted to the fifth grade? Do YOU remember summer camp? I bet YOU have some great stories to share. Try sharing some of your personal stories during your next speech or if you are a Toastmaster during some of your Table Topics sessions.



(pr -m t )
tr.v. pro·mot·ed, pro·mot·ing, pro·motes
a. To raise to a more important or responsible job or rank.
b. To advance (a student) to the next higher grade.
2. To contribute to the progress or growth of; further. See Synonyms at advance.
3. To urge the adoption of; advocate: promote a constitutional amendment.
4. To attempt to sell or popularize by advertising or publicity: commercials promoting a new product.
5. To help establish or organize (a new enterprise), as by securing financial backing: promote a Broadway show.

Syn: To forward; advance; further; patronize; help; exalt;
prefer; elevate; dignify.


A ceremony is an activity, infused with ritual significance, performed on a special occasion.

a set or system of formalities, customs, or rites performed on certain occasions.

Summer Camp
camp: a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months; "city kids get to see the country at a summer camp"

Summer camp is a common destination for children and teenagers during the summer months in some countries. Children and adolescents who attend camp ("campers") participate in a variety of activities, many of which wouldn't be possible or practical during the school year. camp

Monday, June 2, 2008

Home - Honoree - Acceptance Speech

On Wednesday evening May 28, 2008 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston Massachusetts in front of a room filled with nine hundred (900) people including Boston Mayor Thomas Manino and Professional Baseball Player Dennis Eckersly and his wife I was honored along with two other alumns by The Home for Little Wanderers

Liz Brunner, Co-anchor of NewsCenter 5 WCVB-TV5 of Boston was the "Mistress of Ceremonies"

I invited my two long time friends and mentors - Ellen Witt Clark and Tom Clark whom I met in 1989 when I was a student at Emerson College working for them as an intern at their Public Relations Firm T-Catalyst, Inc. in Boston.

I thought I would share my speech on my "Helping YOU Take Center Stage" BLOG


Voices and Visions May 28, 2008 – Home - Honoree
Acceptance Speech by Sherri Raftery, M.Ed.

Greetings it is an honor to be honored by The Home for Little Wanders - “Where Hope Lives”...

I would like to share two quotes with you.

"Just when the caterpillar thought life was all over, it turned into a butterfly".Anonymous Quote

"How does one become a butterfly?" "You must want to fly so much
that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar" Tricia Paulus

And I thought just getting a ticket to attend this “2008 Voices and Visions Gala” was an honor in itself when Scott Inman and Bob Sherburn called me on the speaker phone in January to invite me here and then delivered the second half of the great news which was - “The Home choose four Honorees this year and YOU are one of them”. I was almost speechless!

To be honored by The Home – – “Your Home”, “My Home”, “Our Home”…
“The Home for Little Wanderers - “Where Hope Lives” – is really an HONOR!!

I want to share with each of you that I have grown from a caterpillar although some may say more like a “centipede” into a butterfly… but not without your help,…. not without your hard work,…. not without your heart, …not without your gentle hands to guide me and to lead the way.

How do we get where we are going? By the commitment, encouragement and the support of the people around us. AND look around you today… look at the people sitting next to you.

YOU ARE ALL here for a common goal – a common cause because YOU know that there are people in your communities who need and want to grow from a caterpillar into a butterfly but also need your help getting there – they need a HERO !

In fact, we all need a Hero or two. Who is YOUR hero?

Any of them sitting in here to next to you? Perhaps your hero is a professional athlete? Or a historical figure? Or even a political figure like John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy? Or even Ted Kennedy - who has done soo much for sooo many years for the State of Massachusetts?

Or maybe your hero is a Movie Star or even a TV star like mine is.

I want to share one of my heroes with you today – she was a BIG Little Actress named Shirley Temple, who sang, danced, cried and laughed her way through every Orphanage, Girl’s Group Home and Foster Home she was placed in. …Shirley Always looked on the brighter side of Life … “WHERE HOPE LIVES” – growing from a Caterpillar into a Butterfly.

I want you all to know that although YOU are honoring me – it is really ME who should be HONORING all of YOU – because I am not suppose to be the person you see here – and if not for The Home - “WHERE HOPE LIVES” I would not be.

So I dedicate this to YOU…

Because All of you at THE HOME are my HEROS including CEO Joan Wallace Benjamin and the people who came through the home before my time, during my time, after my time, now …and at a future time.

My heroes are YOU the social workers, the therapists, human service workers, the staff from over the 20 programs like the male residential home - Longview Farm – where my brother once lived and the female adolescent group home - Orchard Home where I once lived.

YOU the People in The Home’s development office and the marketing department and everyone who helps as well as the people on the side lines, the front lines and behind the lines.

YOU - The many volunteers and the many people in the communities who give YOUR priceless time like Virginia Griffin, the 2007 Massachusetts “Volunteer of the Year” recipient. Now many of you who know Virginia already agree that she is very “sweet person” – and I am not just saying this because she is the owner of the “Watson Candy Store” (!) in Walpole.

I mention Virginia because she has volunteered with The Home’s - Longview Farm for over 10 years! AND started a Work Program along with the Walpole Chamber of Commerce that allows the boys from Longview to work at her candy shop as well as other businesses in her local community of Walpole. Thanks Virginia!!

My Heroes are “YOU …THE GENEROUS DONORS” – because without you…
"US Little Wanderers would have nowhere to go".

Thank you all for ALL THAT YOU DO – keep leading the charge for all our little Artist children who want to grow from the caterpillar to the Butterfly…..and become our future leaders and HEROS!!

And finally this is dedicated to my Other Little Hero – my Daughter Sabrina Denise – who gives a special meaning to the word MOM for me.

Thank You!

Saugus resident honored by Home for Little Wanderers  - by Saugus Advertiser -- Mike Gaffney

Voices & Visions Gala

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:00p
at Seaport Hotel: Seaport World Trade Center Boston, Boston, MA
Proceeds to benefit The Home for Little Wanderers.. This unique gala is the culmination of a year-long arts project throughout our many programs and features work by some of our youngest children.

In addition to the exhibit, highlights of this special evening include a cocktail reception, silent auction, dinner, program, and recognition of special honorees. read more
Price: $500 per person
Phone: (617) 927-0682

Web: Event Web Site

Creator: hcmacfarl

Happy 17th Birthday Shane!

Happy 17th Birthday Shane! I remember when we first "adopted" you! We drove to Hull, MA from the Salem, MA to pick out a white cat...