The Aquarium is one of the premier visitor attractions in Boston, with over 1.3 million visitors a year, and a major public education resource.
Today I took Sabrina and her friend Rachael to the New England Aquarium in Boston. Sabrina received two tickets to the Aquarium from my friend Victor Carbone for her birthday. I met Victor or (Uncle Vic as we affectionately call him here in Toastmasters District 31 http://www.district31.org/ ) at one of my Rumney Marsh Toastmaster Club meetings back in 2005 when he was serving as an Area Governor. Victor has also been a past District Governor. Thanks Uncle Victor - we enjoyed the trip!
We gals drove into Boston, parked in the North End - (free on Sundays) and walked pass the Aquarium Train stop to the Boston Harbor where the New England Aquarium is located and home to many sea animals.
Our first sight was right in front of the outdoor enclosed tank to visit the Harbor Seals. We love how they glide on their backs, quickly dive down the water and then rush right back up to get some fresh air into their wide nostrils. Sabrina really laughs out loud when she sees them (still) even though we come to the Aquarium every year. She is a real animal lover - in fact, when she is 13 - (in two years) she is going to volunteer at the Aquarium.
Habitat -" The harbor seal exhibit is a slice of the New England rocky coast, which is a typical habitat for Atlantic harbor seals. The Aquarium’s seals play in deep, cool water and then haul out on the rocky outcroppings for a snooze or a sunbath".
Next stop the Penguin Exhibit. There was an employee in the water with the penguins wearing a black wet suit and head set to speak into. She did an excellent job speaking – no ah’s or um’s. Seems like a great speaking gig - (hmmm - I am wondering if we should start a Toastmasters Club there).
We noticed a penguin with a pink head and another employee explained that the penquin was molting. Also a pair of penguins were "mating" - of course the girls were giggling (admittedly so was I!)
Then we walked up and around the "Giant Ocean Tank" as it spiraled up four floors. It is amazing to see so many types of fish co-habitate. The colors are so vibrant and the shapes of the fish vary.
The Giant Ocean Tank is 23 feet deep, 40 feet wide and holds 200,000 gallons of salt water. The water is heated to approximately 74°F, which is a perfect temperature for this tropical exhibit. This tank is so big that it was built first, and then the rest of the Aquarium was built around it.
Extensive programs were developed to help preserve marine life and bring about a better understanding of it. Notable innovations were the Giant Ocean Tank, opened in 1970—at the time, the largest circular salt water tank in the world—and the Simons IMAX® Theatre, still New England’s largest screen, which opened in December of 2001.
Today, the Aquarium is one of Boston’s premier visitor attractions and a major resource for public education. Beyond its exhibit halls, the Aquarium is also a leader in global marine conservation, with scientists working around the globe.
The history of aquariums in Boston has been a long and complex one, and before the New England Aquarium was built, there had been three prior aquariums in the city. But it was not until 1969, and the launch of what we now know as the New England Aquarium, that a private non-profit aquarium took its place on the Boston waterfront, opening its doors to over a million visitors each year.
I would say we ended our 2008 Thanksgiving Holiday with a SPLASH! It was "FIN"Tastik!!
Until next year New England Aquarium friends - see you again in 2009!
I recommend visiting the Aquarium in Boston - here is a tip - if you have a Massachusetts library pass - you can reserved tickets for a considerable discount.
New England Aquarium Boston: 617-973-5200 Pass admits 4 people. With pass, admission is $8.00 for anyone over 2. Children under 3 are free. Hours are: September -- June: Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM; Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 9 AM to 6 PM; during public school vacation weeks, open Monday -- Sunday, 10-6 PM; July -- August: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, 9-6 PM; Wednesday, Thursday, 9-8 PM; Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 9-7 PM; Closed on Thanksgiving & Christmas; Opens at 12 noon on New Year's Day. * Please note that the Aquarium does not accept library passes in July, August and Labor Day weekend