“Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way”. George Evans
As with MANY other parents and adults who are assisting their children/students with getting ready for the 2008-2009 academic year - I am running around getting all the necessary items and school supplies for Sabrina to begin fifth grade. I think I have just about everything on the St. Pius V. list and I am sure there will be a few more things to add throughout the year.
Sabrina has three plaid jumpers hanging in her closet and I don’t plan on buying ANYMORE! Believe me she will be eager to hand them off to someone else by June 2009! Then next year she will finally wear the middle school uniform (6th-8th grade) - grey skirt, white button down collar and blue vest.
This will be the first year Sabrina will be upstairs with the upperclassman. I couldn’t be happier with the decision I made in December 2003 when I met with the Principal, Mr. Maestranzi to send her to St. Pius V. in January 2004. http://www.stpiusvschool.org/
Some important reasons I wanted Sabrina to attend St. Pius V. School in Lynn was for the location, the discipline, religion, the uniform and more importantly for the consistency and stability from being in the same school from grade K to grade 8. Because when I was growing up I certainly lacked "consistency and stability" during my educational years.
In fact, I moved around so often that I went to a different school every year including five different fifth grades. This was partly due to the fact that I stayed back in fifth grade. AND partly because I was removed from my biological mother in fifth grade and went to live with Catholic nuns at Nazareth (like a group home type orphanage) in Jamaica Plain in Boston in 1976.
We also went to school at Nazareth - on the same grounds - but it did not provide the educational requirements that it should have. I am not sure if it was a Chapter 766 but I was very disappointed that I was not learning MANY things and I lost out on during an entire year. But that was in the 70’s and today’s educational standard requirements and rules about private residential schools are much higher.
Some people wonder how I was able to finish school, graduate from high school, go on to college, earn a Bachelor Degree and then a Masters in Education.(?)
...Well, it took a willingness to WANT to complete school where others in my situation – did give up and drop out. AND as unstable as going to school was because I moved around so many times – for me really I found school to be something I could count on because I had to go everyday. It certainly helped my social skills and ability to adapt too many different settings. I was also the class clown (in a good way) and people liked my “quick wit” – even the teachers! Using my sense of humor helped my get through my younger years and it still does!
Someday I hope to go on to law school and earn a law degree - Dr. in Jurisprudence…
...But for now Sabrina is entering the fifth grade and I need to help her get through her last year of elementary school, middle school, high school and college (I hope!)
Has your education ever held you back from becoming the person you want to become – or doing the thing you REALLY want to do?
Why not make a commitment to earning the education that you want to earn? Or if it isn’t education…WHAT IS Holding you back from taking that step forward?
“Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands”. ANNE FRANK
Definitions of education on the Web:
• the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was ...
• knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; "it was clear that he had a very broad education"
• the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's"
• the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
• the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"
• Department of Education: the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students); created 1979
• Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. ...
• The Education (Provision of Meals) Act 1906 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (6 Edw. VII c. 57).
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education (Provision of Meals) Act 1906
• The 1907 Education (Administrative Provisions) Act was an Act of Parliament passed by the Liberal government as part of their Liberal reforms package of welfare reforms. The Act set up school medical services run by local government
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education (Administrative Provisions) Act 1907
• The Additional Support for Learning Act is a Scottish law enacted in 2004. It seeks to redefine the area of providing special education to children with additional needs by establishing a framework for the policies of inclusion and generally practicing the "presumption of mainstreaming" in ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education (Additional Support for Learning ) (Scotland) Act 2004
• The process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment; Facts, skills and ideas that have been learnt, either formally or informally
Doctoral of Jurisprudence - Juris Doctor
The degree awarded to an individual upon the successful completion of law school.
Juris doctor, or doctor of Jurisprudence, commonly abbreviated J.D., is the degree commonly conferred by law schools. It is required in all states except California (which includes an option called law office study) to gain Admission to the Bar. Gaining admission to the bar means obtaining a license to practice law in a particular state or in federal court.
Until the 1930s and 1940s, many states did not require a person to have a law school degree in order to obtain a license to practice law. Most lawyers qualified for a license by working as an apprentice for an established attorney for a specified period. By the 1950s most states required a law school degree. State legislatures established this requirement to raise the standards of practicing attorneys and to restrict the number of attorneys. The degree offered by most Colleges and Universities was called a master of laws (L.L.M.) degree. In the 1960s, as colleges and universities increased the requirements for a law degree, the J.D. replaced the L.L.M. as the primary degree awarded by law schools.
The specific requirements for a J.D. vary from school to school. Generally, the requirements include completing a minimum number of class hours each academic period, and taking certain mandatory courses such as contracts, TORTS, Civil Procedure, and Criminal Law in the first year of law school. All states require that students pass a course on Professional Responsibility before receiving a J.D. degree.
Juris Doctor
• Juris Doctor (abbreviated J.D. or JD, from the Latin, Teacher of Law) is a first professional[2] graduate degree[3] and professional doctorate[4] in law. The degree was first awarded by Harvard University in the United States in the late 19th century as a degree similar to the old European doctor of law degree (such as the dottore di giurisprudenza in Italy and the Juris Utriusque Doctor or J.U.D.[5] in Germany) and the legal studies counterpart to the M.D. degree.[6] Originating from the 19th century Harvard movement for the scientific study of law, it is the first and only law degree that has a goal of being the primary professional preparation for lawyers (and therefore a terminal professional degree).
It is the only professional doctorate in law, and is different from other doctorate programs in being a three-year program – many doctorates are four years or longer. Just like other professional doctorates in the United States (D.O., M.D., D.D.S., D.P.T., D.P.M., D.C., etc.), a research dissertation or thesis is not a part of the degree. However, a one-year legal research requirement culminating in the successful preparation of a written and oral appellate brief is required.
In most jurisdictions, the oral portion of the requirement must be argued successfully before a tribunal comprised of actual judges.[citation needed] This degree primarily exists in the United States, but recently has appeared in universities in other countries for the first time, although it has a unique form in each country.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Coldwell Banker Cares' Spirit of Home Video
“Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares strives to build close, sustainable relationships with its non-profit partners. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares is committed to providing financial support and in-kind resources to housing-related causes in the communities where Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage New England is present. Financial assistance is achieved through the production of successful and fun events as well as annual gift drives”
Just before I left for Calgary to attend the Toastmasters 2008 Convention I received an email request from Scott Inman from THE HOME for Little Wanderers asking if I would be “willing to work with The Home and Coldwell Banker Residential Cares to be on the tribute video that would be shooting in September” for the 2008 “Spirit of Home” Awards Gala. YES - OF COURSE I WILL!!
Yesterday I got an another invite from Scott asking if I would like to attend the 2008 Spirit of Home Awards Gala event (along with a guest of my choice!) and sit at The Home’s table on Friday November 14, 2008 at the Boston Harbor hotel. YES - OF COURSE I WILL!! http://www.bhh.com/
Now being a Toastmaster, an emerging speaker, a former resident and a client of THE HOME I did offer to speak at the event - but that will really depend on the meeting planner and time on the agenda. I am not sure who I will invite but November 14th is also Sabrina’s 11th Birthday and of course I am planning her birthday bash that weekend!
I am thrilled to be able to give back to THE HOME, an organization that has done so much to shape my life and continues to shape other people’s lives!
What do YOU do when YOU are invited to events that YOU can give back to? Do you have YOUR keynote speech ready, or YOU “pocket five”? What ways are YOU giving back in YOUR community to help the people and organizations that need YOU?
The Home’s "Annual Toy Drive" is gearing up for its 2008 the holiday season to benefit many children and families – want to learn how YOU can help? www.thehome.org
INVITE to Spirit of The Home Gala -
“On behalf of the Spirit of Home Committee, I am pleased to announce that tickets for the 4th annual Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Spirit of Home Awards Gala in Massachusetts are now available for sale on-line on the Coldwell Banker Cares Event page.
“The evening will include a cocktail reception overlooking Boston Harbor at the 5-Star Boston Harbor Hotel, a wonderful meal by award winning Executive Chef Daniel Bruce, incredible auction items to benefit three deserving housing related charities, and an opportunity to network with industry leaders”.
“This year we will honor Executive Director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness Philip Mangano, a pioneer in ending homelessness for individuals and families. We hope you will join us”!
WOW after I posted this I googled Mr. Philip Mangano - who was nominated as one on TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People - peek at these links to see how he HELPS others!
1: a festive celebration; especially : a public entertainment marking a special occasion2capitalized : a medium-sized apple with crisp yellowish-white sweet flesh and a red skin or a golden skin with red striping
— gala adjective
Gala \Ga"la\, n. [F. gala show, pomp, fr. It. gala finery, gala; of German origin. See Gallant.]
Pomp, show, or festivity. --Macaulay.
Gala day, a day of mirth and festivity; a holiday.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Definitions of gala on the Web:
• a gay festivity
• The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) is an international non-profit association that encourages local communications as an indispensable component to a global strategy.
• Gala is a cultivar of apple with a mild and sweet flavor.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gala (apple)
• Referred to as an “international cult dance artist” because of her minimalist black garb and her innovation in music (blending the driving dance beats of the nineties with pop rock song-writing ) Gala wrote and composed the album ‘Come Into my Life’ containing the hits: ‘Freed From ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gala (singer)
• GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance) is a non-profit Missouri corporation that is an association of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons and their family and friends that are connected with the Community of Christ.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance)
• Pomp, show, or festivity
• en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gala
• A swimming contest is often called a swimming gala.
• news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/bsp/hi/swimming/jargon_guide/html/default.stm
• Tylendel's Companion.
• www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Magic's-Pawn
• (Dec 1990, LP/CD, CAD 0017)
• www.americola.com/sites/Lush_(band)
Just before I left for Calgary to attend the Toastmasters 2008 Convention I received an email request from Scott Inman from THE HOME for Little Wanderers asking if I would be “willing to work with The Home and Coldwell Banker Residential Cares to be on the tribute video that would be shooting in September” for the 2008 “Spirit of Home” Awards Gala. YES - OF COURSE I WILL!!
Yesterday I got an another invite from Scott asking if I would like to attend the 2008 Spirit of Home Awards Gala event (along with a guest of my choice!) and sit at The Home’s table on Friday November 14, 2008 at the Boston Harbor hotel. YES - OF COURSE I WILL!! http://www.bhh.com/
Now being a Toastmaster, an emerging speaker, a former resident and a client of THE HOME I did offer to speak at the event - but that will really depend on the meeting planner and time on the agenda. I am not sure who I will invite but November 14th is also Sabrina’s 11th Birthday and of course I am planning her birthday bash that weekend!
I am thrilled to be able to give back to THE HOME, an organization that has done so much to shape my life and continues to shape other people’s lives!
What do YOU do when YOU are invited to events that YOU can give back to? Do you have YOUR keynote speech ready, or YOU “pocket five”? What ways are YOU giving back in YOUR community to help the people and organizations that need YOU?
The Home’s "Annual Toy Drive" is gearing up for its 2008 the holiday season to benefit many children and families – want to learn how YOU can help? www.thehome.org
INVITE to Spirit of The Home Gala -
“On behalf of the Spirit of Home Committee, I am pleased to announce that tickets for the 4th annual Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Spirit of Home Awards Gala in Massachusetts are now available for sale on-line on the Coldwell Banker Cares Event page.
“The evening will include a cocktail reception overlooking Boston Harbor at the 5-Star Boston Harbor Hotel, a wonderful meal by award winning Executive Chef Daniel Bruce, incredible auction items to benefit three deserving housing related charities, and an opportunity to network with industry leaders”.
“This year we will honor Executive Director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness Philip Mangano, a pioneer in ending homelessness for individuals and families. We hope you will join us”!
WOW after I posted this I googled Mr. Philip Mangano - who was nominated as one on TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People - peek at these links to see how he HELPS others!
1: a festive celebration; especially : a public entertainment marking a special occasion2capitalized : a medium-sized apple with crisp yellowish-white sweet flesh and a red skin or a golden skin with red striping
— gala adjective
Gala \Ga"la\, n. [F. gala show, pomp, fr. It. gala finery, gala; of German origin. See Gallant.]
Pomp, show, or festivity. --Macaulay.
Gala day, a day of mirth and festivity; a holiday.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Definitions of gala on the Web:
• a gay festivity
• The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) is an international non-profit association that encourages local communications as an indispensable component to a global strategy.
• Gala is a cultivar of apple with a mild and sweet flavor.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gala (apple)
• Referred to as an “international cult dance artist” because of her minimalist black garb and her innovation in music (blending the driving dance beats of the nineties with pop rock song-writing ) Gala wrote and composed the album ‘Come Into my Life’ containing the hits: ‘Freed From ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gala (singer)
• GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance) is a non-profit Missouri corporation that is an association of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons and their family and friends that are connected with the Community of Christ.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance)
• Pomp, show, or festivity
• en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gala
• A swimming contest is often called a swimming gala.
• news.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy/bsp/hi/swimming/jargon_guide/html/default.stm
• Tylendel's Companion.
• www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Magic's-Pawn
• (Dec 1990, LP/CD, CAD 0017)
• www.americola.com/sites/Lush_(band)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Unexpected News
“You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen”. Paulo Coelho
Today I received some “unexpected news” and I was not really prepared for it. Although, I had been aware that some of our hours where I work were being cut. I really did think that MY HOURS were being cut. I just got back from Calgary and found out that I am still employed but I won’t be able to swing my car loan, Sabrina’s school loan, rent and whole bunch of other bills and other unexpected expenses that creep upon me each month.
Last week my friend Sheila shared that her paycheck was being cut by 30% and a month ago my good friend Debbie told me that “out of the blue” she was being layed off. I was thinking about how lucky I was to not be in their shoes.
But I am now…
I got that hurt feeling I get when I hear bad or sad news and of coursed I cried a little but then I smiled and said to myself (or out loud) – “WHAT AM I WAITING FOR”? I really want to start my own public speaking business. So what is stopping me? Why don’t I just take the plunge? Isn’t it time for me to just “TAKE THE NEXT STEP” and “CREATE MY OWN DESTINY”?
When YOU get “unexpected news” – what do YOU do to create a solution or take a new path?
not expected or anticipated; "unexpected guests"; "unexpected news"
• not expected, anticipated or foreseen
• Involuntary, painful shortening of muscles. Usually, a knotting of the muscles is visible.
• Any adverse experience, the nature, severity or frequency of which is not consistent with the current investigator brochure; or with the risk ...
Today I received some “unexpected news” and I was not really prepared for it. Although, I had been aware that some of our hours where I work were being cut. I really did think that MY HOURS were being cut. I just got back from Calgary and found out that I am still employed but I won’t be able to swing my car loan, Sabrina’s school loan, rent and whole bunch of other bills and other unexpected expenses that creep upon me each month.
Last week my friend Sheila shared that her paycheck was being cut by 30% and a month ago my good friend Debbie told me that “out of the blue” she was being layed off. I was thinking about how lucky I was to not be in their shoes.
But I am now…
I got that hurt feeling I get when I hear bad or sad news and of coursed I cried a little but then I smiled and said to myself (or out loud) – “WHAT AM I WAITING FOR”? I really want to start my own public speaking business. So what is stopping me? Why don’t I just take the plunge? Isn’t it time for me to just “TAKE THE NEXT STEP” and “CREATE MY OWN DESTINY”?
When YOU get “unexpected news” – what do YOU do to create a solution or take a new path?
not expected or anticipated; "unexpected guests"; "unexpected news"
• not expected, anticipated or foreseen
• Involuntary, painful shortening of muscles. Usually, a knotting of the muscles is visible.
• Any adverse experience, the nature, severity or frequency of which is not consistent with the current investigator brochure; or with the risk ...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Love your post!
With Michael's Permission I am posting this e-mail note here! Thanks Michael for sharing!
In a message dated 8/23/2008 1:12:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, michael@youcanpresent.com writes:
Love your post!
Being a coach, teacher, manager, leader, even training a dog... all pretty much the same. Leading means setting boundaries and having the guts to declare things "unacceptable". I have always held believed that word to one of much power... "unacceptable", I will not accept that type of behavior. I will not accept it this time. I will not accept it because it is a special occasion. I will accept it because you are felling down or had a bad day. I will accept it three times before I set down my foot. UNACCEPTABLE.
It reminds me of my days as a Sergeant in the US Marine Corps. Coming to your superior beforehand was a request for help. It was recognizing that you were struggling to meet the standard or required action at the required time or deadline. Failing, afterwards was unacceptable. There were consequences. If you failed the requirements or made a mistake (a common excuse) you professionally accepted the consequences and tried to learn something that would keep you from making the same mistake again. You did not attempt to avoid the consequences or create an excuse. Because it was UNACCEPTABLE.
Unfortunately, holding that line, declaring something unacceptable and holding to it... well, that's hard! Particularly if you are trying to do it as a parent. The one condition that a parent must meet is that they are always on duty. There is no time off. Vigilance is mandatory. At least in the Marine Corps, I got 30 days off, without my troops.
Make This A Great Day!
Michael Cortes
Presentation Coach & Speaker
Phone: 814.881.8729
BTW - Michael is doing research for a book he is writing about MENTORING - comparing people's thoughts about a mentor who has influenced YOU.
http://www.cortesfamily.net/Book Questionaire v2.0.pdf
http://www.cortesfamily.net/Book Questionaire v2.0.doc
Send YOUR story to michael@youcanpresent.com
You just may be published in his MENTORING book!
In a message dated 8/23/2008 1:12:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, michael@youcanpresent.com writes:
Love your post!
Being a coach, teacher, manager, leader, even training a dog... all pretty much the same. Leading means setting boundaries and having the guts to declare things "unacceptable". I have always held believed that word to one of much power... "unacceptable", I will not accept that type of behavior. I will not accept it this time. I will not accept it because it is a special occasion. I will accept it because you are felling down or had a bad day. I will accept it three times before I set down my foot. UNACCEPTABLE.
It reminds me of my days as a Sergeant in the US Marine Corps. Coming to your superior beforehand was a request for help. It was recognizing that you were struggling to meet the standard or required action at the required time or deadline. Failing, afterwards was unacceptable. There were consequences. If you failed the requirements or made a mistake (a common excuse) you professionally accepted the consequences and tried to learn something that would keep you from making the same mistake again. You did not attempt to avoid the consequences or create an excuse. Because it was UNACCEPTABLE.
Unfortunately, holding that line, declaring something unacceptable and holding to it... well, that's hard! Particularly if you are trying to do it as a parent. The one condition that a parent must meet is that they are always on duty. There is no time off. Vigilance is mandatory. At least in the Marine Corps, I got 30 days off, without my troops.
Make This A Great Day!
Michael Cortes
Presentation Coach & Speaker
Phone: 814.881.8729
BTW - Michael is doing research for a book he is writing about MENTORING - comparing people's thoughts about a mentor who has influenced YOU.
http://www.cortesfamily.net/Book Questionaire v2.0.pdf
http://www.cortesfamily.net/Book Questionaire v2.0.doc
Send YOUR story to michael@youcanpresent.com
You just may be published in his MENTORING book!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Rhode Island TLI
“A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves”
Thanks to my “POWER HOUSES” in RHODE ISLAND; Ed Skurka, Esther Paris, Dick Karon (who couldn;t attend the training but is an Area Governor), today was our District 31 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training at the Cumberland Library in Rhode Island.
Thank you trainers Merrill Winoker did Pres training, Jan Wheeler did VP/E, Valerie McLaughlin did VP/PR, Tom Nyzio did VP/M and McCloughlin today was our District 31 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training at the Cumberland Library in Rhode Island.
I brought my “Excellence in Marketing” award that Immediate Past International President, (IPIP) Chris Ford, DTM presented to me in my hand along with a big hug at the Hall of Fame on the BIG STAGE. I thanked all the members there because they were very instrumental in assisting with paying their membership dues. Some of our newly chartered clubs were also there from Roasted Peanuts (Met Life), and Marion (near the Cape). In the works is Salve Regina University - should charter this fall.
Did I mention how much I LOVED MARKETING!!?? But, I am also eager to learn about my Lt. Governor of Education and Training (LGET) duties. I presented the Vice President of Education (VP. Ed.) with Jan Wheeler who had many visuals to enhance our session of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).
My part of the four core as the LGM was membership and dues, now as the LGET I am in charge of the CC’s and the AC’s or Competent Communicators and Advanced Communicators. One of my Educational Contest incentives is the “TRIPLE CROWN AWARD” for members who earn a CC + AC + a leadership award (well I am still working on what the prize will be) but I got the Triple Crown idea from other districts in Region Vii who have been using this idea for years.
Let’s hope it does well here too so it can stick around!
We had about fifty members in attendance with one remaining TLI on Wednesday August 27, 2008 at MIT in Cambridge, MA. We will wrap up our summer 2008 Club Officer Training and I think this year we have broken a record - so far we have 359 Club Officers trained!
Are You a Club Officer? Remember to GET TRAINED it is part of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP)!! It takes TEAM wotk to put the TLI Events together - step up to leadership and become a presenter for your district events!! You will enhance your public speaking, leadership, and organizational skills and continue to make lasting friendship in the process - It's A WIN/WIN!!
What is the Mission of the TLI team?
“Our Mission is to present outstanding training programs that give club officers the knowledge and resources they need to be successful in meeting the club Mission Statement”.
“We will accomplish this by using Toastmasters International programs and materials, using knowledgeable and trained trainers, and by ensuring consistency of training throughout the district”.
Why should I attend officer training?
“Beyond the requirements set by Toastmasters International and the corresponding credit for your club’s Distinguished Club Program; training gives you the best opportunity to meet your members’ needs”!
Thanks to my “POWER HOUSES” in RHODE ISLAND; Ed Skurka, Esther Paris, Dick Karon (who couldn;t attend the training but is an Area Governor), today was our District 31 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training at the Cumberland Library in Rhode Island.
Thank you trainers Merrill Winoker did Pres training, Jan Wheeler did VP/E, Valerie McLaughlin did VP/PR, Tom Nyzio did VP/M and McCloughlin today was our District 31 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) Club Officer Training at the Cumberland Library in Rhode Island.
I brought my “Excellence in Marketing” award that Immediate Past International President, (IPIP) Chris Ford, DTM presented to me in my hand along with a big hug at the Hall of Fame on the BIG STAGE. I thanked all the members there because they were very instrumental in assisting with paying their membership dues. Some of our newly chartered clubs were also there from Roasted Peanuts (Met Life), and Marion (near the Cape). In the works is Salve Regina University - should charter this fall.
Did I mention how much I LOVED MARKETING!!?? But, I am also eager to learn about my Lt. Governor of Education and Training (LGET) duties. I presented the Vice President of Education (VP. Ed.) with Jan Wheeler who had many visuals to enhance our session of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP).
My part of the four core as the LGM was membership and dues, now as the LGET I am in charge of the CC’s and the AC’s or Competent Communicators and Advanced Communicators. One of my Educational Contest incentives is the “TRIPLE CROWN AWARD” for members who earn a CC + AC + a leadership award (well I am still working on what the prize will be) but I got the Triple Crown idea from other districts in Region Vii who have been using this idea for years.
Let’s hope it does well here too so it can stick around!
We had about fifty members in attendance with one remaining TLI on Wednesday August 27, 2008 at MIT in Cambridge, MA. We will wrap up our summer 2008 Club Officer Training and I think this year we have broken a record - so far we have 359 Club Officers trained!
Are You a Club Officer? Remember to GET TRAINED it is part of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP)!! It takes TEAM wotk to put the TLI Events together - step up to leadership and become a presenter for your district events!! You will enhance your public speaking, leadership, and organizational skills and continue to make lasting friendship in the process - It's A WIN/WIN!!
What is the Mission of the TLI team?
“Our Mission is to present outstanding training programs that give club officers the knowledge and resources they need to be successful in meeting the club Mission Statement”.
“We will accomplish this by using Toastmasters International programs and materials, using knowledgeable and trained trainers, and by ensuring consistency of training throughout the district”.
Why should I attend officer training?
“Beyond the requirements set by Toastmasters International and the corresponding credit for your club’s Distinguished Club Program; training gives you the best opportunity to meet your members’ needs”!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
"Worcester: The Bigger Picture" invite
“Domestic violence does not only happen to adults. Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend, and approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.”
Dianne Feinstein quotes (American Senator, b.1933)
I got the below invite today and I gladly accepted the chance to speak from a medical student who is organizing "Worcester: The Bigger Picture". Turns out the student heard my radio interview on WBUR - 90.9 Boston NPR News Station !!
Dear Ms. Raftery,
I am a second-year medical student at UMass Medical School in Worcester. This year I am co-leading an optional enrichment elective for first and second year med students and nursing students called "Worcester: The Bigger Picture." One of the classes is going to be about domestic violence but we are still looking for a speaker. I heard you on NPR recently and thought you would be a wonderful speaker for this class. It would be on a weekday evening at 5:30 sometime this fall, speaking to a group of about 20 students. I was wondering if you by any chance might be interested in speaking to us?
Thank you very much,
UMass Med School
Something I learned at the 2008 "Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp" in Calgary - AUDIO is instant!! Thanks Champs!!
What are YOU doing to let others know that YOU are an expert on certain topics and that YOU will gladly speak to their groups?
Champions' EDGE use my affliate link to find out more!!
Domestic violence
"Domestic disturbance" redirects here. For the 2001 film, see Domestic Disturbance.
Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse or spousal abuse) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is perpetrated by both men and women.
Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation, and threats of violence. Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuse are not criminal behaviors, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence. There are a number of dimensions including mode - physical, psychological, sexual and/or social; frequency - on/off, occasional, chronic; and severity – in terms of both psychological or physical harm and the need for treatment – transitory or permanent injury – mild, moderate, severe up to homicide.
Recent attention to domestic violence began in the women's movement, particularly feminism and women's rights, in the 1970s, as concern about wives being beaten by their husbands gained attention. Awareness and documentation of domestic violence differs from country to country. Estimates are that only about a third of cases of domestic violence are actually reported in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to the Centers for Disease Control, domestic violence is a serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32 million Americans, or more than 10% of the U.S. population.[1]
Popular emphasis has tended to be on women as the victims of domestic violence. However, with the rise of the men's movement, and particularly masculism and men's rights, there is now advocacy for men victimized by women.
Dianne Feinstein quotes (American Senator, b.1933)
I got the below invite today and I gladly accepted the chance to speak from a medical student who is organizing "Worcester: The Bigger Picture". Turns out the student heard my radio interview on WBUR - 90.9 Boston NPR News Station !!
Dear Ms. Raftery,
I am a second-year medical student at UMass Medical School in Worcester. This year I am co-leading an optional enrichment elective for first and second year med students and nursing students called "Worcester: The Bigger Picture." One of the classes is going to be about domestic violence but we are still looking for a speaker. I heard you on NPR recently and thought you would be a wonderful speaker for this class. It would be on a weekday evening at 5:30 sometime this fall, speaking to a group of about 20 students. I was wondering if you by any chance might be interested in speaking to us?
Thank you very much,
UMass Med School
Something I learned at the 2008 "Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp" in Calgary - AUDIO is instant!! Thanks Champs!!
What are YOU doing to let others know that YOU are an expert on certain topics and that YOU will gladly speak to their groups?
Champions' EDGE use my affliate link to find out more!!
Domestic violence
"Domestic disturbance" redirects here. For the 2001 film, see Domestic Disturbance.
Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse or spousal abuse) occurs when a family member, partner or ex-partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate another. Domestic violence often refers to violence between spouses, or spousal abuse but can also include cohabitants and non-married intimate partners. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures; people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes and classes can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Domestic violence is perpetrated by both men and women.
Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation, and threats of violence. Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological and financial abuse are not criminal behaviors, they are forms of abuse and can lead to criminal violence. There are a number of dimensions including mode - physical, psychological, sexual and/or social; frequency - on/off, occasional, chronic; and severity – in terms of both psychological or physical harm and the need for treatment – transitory or permanent injury – mild, moderate, severe up to homicide.
Recent attention to domestic violence began in the women's movement, particularly feminism and women's rights, in the 1970s, as concern about wives being beaten by their husbands gained attention. Awareness and documentation of domestic violence differs from country to country. Estimates are that only about a third of cases of domestic violence are actually reported in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to the Centers for Disease Control, domestic violence is a serious, preventable public health problem affecting more than 32 million Americans, or more than 10% of the U.S. population.[1]
Popular emphasis has tended to be on women as the victims of domestic violence. However, with the rise of the men's movement, and particularly masculism and men's rights, there is now advocacy for men victimized by women.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
ID A HO!!!
Friends we are just packing up from our short trip to IDAHO!!
We spent Sunday thru today in IDAHO! One nite with Bil's brother Sandi, a nite out on the TWIN LAKE where Bil's grandfather built a cabin and they own lots of land. Sabrina enjoyed tubbing and we took a boat ride up the channel. We headed back to Bil's brother Sandi's and Sabrina rode Molly the horse last nite and today. I just took a quick ride and now we are all packed and heading to the Spokane Airport - to fly on the RED EYE - back to BOSTON!
It was a fun trip to Calgary Canada and Idaho. I am looking forward to getting back home and seeing our cat Shane.
I will post about the Toastmasters Convention.
I may be changing my BLOG over to Type Pad soon. UNTIL I get home
We spent Sunday thru today in IDAHO! One nite with Bil's brother Sandi, a nite out on the TWIN LAKE where Bil's grandfather built a cabin and they own lots of land. Sabrina enjoyed tubbing and we took a boat ride up the channel. We headed back to Bil's brother Sandi's and Sabrina rode Molly the horse last nite and today. I just took a quick ride and now we are all packed and heading to the Spokane Airport - to fly on the RED EYE - back to BOSTON!
It was a fun trip to Calgary Canada and Idaho. I am looking forward to getting back home and seeing our cat Shane.
I will post about the Toastmasters Convention.
I may be changing my BLOG over to Type Pad soon. UNTIL I get home
Breaking the Ice

"Looking back at my life experiences, a common thread seems to be woven in the tapestry of my years. From my Nebraska school teaching days, to success in Federal Service, then attaining the highest office in Toastmasters, I accepted challenges that made me reach far beyond my comfort zone, time and again". "...I credit Toastmasters for training that gave me the confidence and communication skills to pursue the opportunities that came my way". ..."Toastmasters gave me the knowledge...Ultimately, my ability to share this knowledge earned me recognition and more opportunities". Helen Blanchard Pg. 219 Breaking the Ice
Buy the book
WOW - I am soooo excited to have a signed copy of Helen's book Breaking the Ice - This was a MUST DO at the 2008 Calgary Convention this year. I had emailed both Helen and Pauline Shirley about my being honored by THE HOME and Pauline informed me that Helen was finally launching her book - and what better place to do it then the 2008 Toastmasters International Calgary Convention!!
Right after the Region Vii Outgoing LGM (now incoming LGETS) lunch at A & W for some burgers, fries and rootbeer floats - I went right to the TM book store, bought "Breaking the Ice" and got in line to be one of the many Toastmasters who got a signed copy before the book is being released.
In it Helen writes: "To Sherri, Enjoy life's journey - Yours - and mine. Helen Blanchard International Convention, Calgary, Canada August 2008".
You can be sure that this signed book is ONE of my FAVORITE possessions and memories from the Calgary Convention. My only regret is that I was counting on getting another photo at the President's Dance with two first female leading ladies - both Helen Blanchard (1985-86) and Pauline Shirley (1994-95) fingers crossed for the 2009 Convention when it comes to Connecticut! view the 2007 Phx photo on my Website www.findyourplatform.com Toastmasters Page
"The Helen Blanchard story leaves those of us who took action in the 1970's, to change our by laws, with a deep sense of pride. Her story is the front runner of a much broader benefit where we no longer look at Toastmasters separately as men and woman, but as members in a worldwide community of diversity. A delightful read for not only Toastmasters, but for those interested in woman's history". Robert W. Blakeley, DTM, International President 1976-77
From the Back Cover :
"From Homer to Madam President - Not long ago, woman lived the lives that tradition dictated. Few Dreamed of becoming anything other than a wife, mother, or perhaps secretary or teacher. This is the story of Helen (Pallas) Blanchard who broke through the barriers of tradition".
Taken from Helen's marketing postcard
"Helen "Homer" Blanchard won the hearts of acquaintances, supervisors, co-workers, and - most of all thousands of members of Toastmasters International during her ground -breaking successful carreer as a mother, Navy civilian employee, and female president of Toastmasters International".
"In breaking the barriers of tradition, Helen blazed the trail that thousands of woman have followed to join Toastmasters, participate fully, and see their dream of leadership come to life".
"Breaking the Ice is Helen's inspiring story, a story of passion, hard work, dedication, guts, smarts, friendship, and meaning".
ISBN- 978-0-9816640-1-9
Break the ice
To break down social formality and stiffness.
The earlier meaning of this phrase, i.e. 'to forge a path for others to follow' alludes of course to the breaking of ice to allow the navigation of boats. The figurative use is quite old and was recorded by Sir Thomas North in his 1579 translation of Plutarch's Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes:
"To be the first to break the Ice of the Enterprize."
It wasn't until the latter part of the 17th century that it took on its current 'establish a relaxed relationship in socially awkward situations' meaning. For example, Samuel Butler's Hudibras, 1678:
"The Oratour - At last broke silence, and the Ice."
If we move forward another two hundred years 'breaking the ice' reverts to its original usage, when specialist ice-breaking ships were introduced. These ships, known as ice-breakers, were equipped with strengthened hulls and powerful engines, were employed in the exploration of polar regions.
Soon after the ships were introduced the term 'ice-breaker' began to be applied to social initiatives which were intended to get strangers acquainted with one another. In 1883, Mark Twain used the wordb that way in Life on Mississippi:
"They closed up the inundation with a few words - having used it, evidently, as a mere ice-breaker and acquaintanceship-breeder - then they dropped into business."
WBUR - 90.9 Boston NPR News Station
Hey folks - I was interviewed on WBUR - 90.9 Boston's NPR News Radio Station a few weeks ago and it aired last thursday. Here are some of the emails that I have been getting!
Here is the link http://www.wbur.org/news/2008/79443_20080818.asp
Hi Sherry,
The piece on domestic violence aired this morning on Morning Edition. Here’s a link to our website if you missed it: http://www.wbur.org/news/2008/79443_20080818.asp.
Bob really enjoyed the interview with you. We’re really impressed with how far you’ve come. Surely you’ll provide inspiration for others struggling with domestic violence who will have heard your story this morning.
I hope the Toastmasters Conference in Calgary went well! Best wishes in the future.
Thanks for everything,
Sarah Bush
Field Producer, Morning Edition
WBUR-FM (90.9) -- Boston's NPR News Station
617-353-0171 (office)
617-353-4747 (fax)
We can't thank you enough for sharing your story and helping us spread the word about the public health advisory and all that we are and can be doing.
Please keep in touch.
Toni K. Troop
Director of Development and Public Relations
Jane Done, Inc.
Direct dial: 617-557-1807
Sherri -- I just heard you on WBUR. Thank you for doing what you're doing -- you are eloquent and courageous. What you are doing will help a lot of women. Thanks, again and congratulations on your award.
Sherri: I heard your name mentioned on WBUR this morning about 5:55am. Did you
get interviewed about Toastmasters? I have been rummaging around their website
but haven't found the piece yet. If you could direct me where to look I would
appreciate it. Don
Don Bannon
MBTA Design Dept.
500 Arborway
Boston, Ma 02130
Hi Sherri,
I woke up this morning to your interview on WBUR. Not necessarily what should get people on the air but it sounds like things are improving. Congratulations on your Toastmasters award.
Best wishes.
Jordan Hegedus, CLU, ChFC
Beacon Insurance Group, Inc
528 Loring Ave
Salem, MA 01970
Here is the link http://www.wbur.org/news/2008/79443_20080818.asp
Hi Sherry,
The piece on domestic violence aired this morning on Morning Edition. Here’s a link to our website if you missed it: http://www.wbur.org/news/2008/79443_20080818.asp.
Bob really enjoyed the interview with you. We’re really impressed with how far you’ve come. Surely you’ll provide inspiration for others struggling with domestic violence who will have heard your story this morning.
I hope the Toastmasters Conference in Calgary went well! Best wishes in the future.
Thanks for everything,
Sarah Bush
Field Producer, Morning Edition
WBUR-FM (90.9) -- Boston's NPR News Station
617-353-0171 (office)
617-353-4747 (fax)
We can't thank you enough for sharing your story and helping us spread the word about the public health advisory and all that we are and can be doing.
Please keep in touch.
Toni K. Troop
Director of Development and Public Relations
Jane Done, Inc.
Direct dial: 617-557-1807
Sherri -- I just heard you on WBUR. Thank you for doing what you're doing -- you are eloquent and courageous. What you are doing will help a lot of women. Thanks, again and congratulations on your award.
Sherri: I heard your name mentioned on WBUR this morning about 5:55am. Did you
get interviewed about Toastmasters? I have been rummaging around their website
but haven't found the piece yet. If you could direct me where to look I would
appreciate it. Don
Don Bannon
MBTA Design Dept.
500 Arborway
Boston, Ma 02130
Hi Sherri,
I woke up this morning to your interview on WBUR. Not necessarily what should get people on the air but it sounds like things are improving. Congratulations on your Toastmasters award.
Best wishes.
Jordan Hegedus, CLU, ChFC
Beacon Insurance Group, Inc
528 Loring Ave
Salem, MA 01970
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Alsaka Air !
Friends - I have SOOO much to report about my trip to Calgary and I promise I will - especially since I KNOW people are reading it - and I met some of you at the Toastmasters International Convention who told me you do!! AND THANK YOU!!
BUT right now I am eagerly awaiting for Sabrina's flight to land in Portland Oregon on Alsaka Air that is currently 36400 feet and about to land - that left from Boston an hour late today and managed to gain time in the air and land a minute earlier that scheduled. This is her first flight unaccompanied by me and she still has another connecting flight from Oregon to Spokane Washington - where I will meet her at the airport - PROUD MOM!!
This morning I left the Hyatt in Calgary and drove for seven hours in a 1995 Power Stroke - F250 Ford Pick Up with a LOUD engine and bug guts splattered on the wind shield - talk about culture shock - I am now on a farm with two dogs, three cats and seven horses - more on all of this and the wonder time I had reconnecting with friends, finally meeting online friends and making new friends around the WORLD.
I am soooo tired but promise to post more!!
BUT right now I am eagerly awaiting for Sabrina's flight to land in Portland Oregon on Alsaka Air that is currently 36400 feet and about to land - that left from Boston an hour late today and managed to gain time in the air and land a minute earlier that scheduled. This is her first flight unaccompanied by me and she still has another connecting flight from Oregon to Spokane Washington - where I will meet her at the airport - PROUD MOM!!
This morning I left the Hyatt in Calgary and drove for seven hours in a 1995 Power Stroke - F250 Ford Pick Up with a LOUD engine and bug guts splattered on the wind shield - talk about culture shock - I am now on a farm with two dogs, three cats and seven horses - more on all of this and the wonder time I had reconnecting with friends, finally meeting online friends and making new friends around the WORLD.
I am soooo tired but promise to post more!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
The President's Club
"The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway" Henry Boye
Well, one thing I can say about Toastmasters is that it is helping me learn how to TRAVEL and there is a LOT to know about TRAVELING!! Beginning with learning about my own little state of Massachusetts and finding cities and towns that I have never even heard of! But I am not only learning how to read a map or following connecting routes on the automobile road, in addition I am also learning how to travel on airplanes taking trips outside of my own state.
There are many things to consider when you are going to travel. Let’s begin with booking the flight. HMMM – so far I think the price is what I consider when flying. I had a flight booked with Continental Airlines leaving this morning August 8, 2008 at 7:00AM flight to Houston Texas and a connecting flight from Houston to Calgary for 11:00 am.
Now just because I have this flight booked and paid for does NOT absolutely guarantee that I will board the flight, land and connect at those times. OUCH ! not again – My flight to Houston was delayed an hour due to the rain. I left Logan International in Boston at about 8:45 AM landed in Houston at 11: 25 am and my connecting flight had already departed! GREAT - soooo the next connecting flight wasn;t leaving until 6:00PM which means I may (or may not depending on what happens) get into Calgary at about 10:00PM – west coast time.
What do YOU do when your flight is delayed for – in my case six hours? Or What if YOUR flight is cancelled?
Well this is what I did – I called the 2007 WCPS, Vikas Jhingran who now lives here in Houston on the chance that he would be able to show me the sites. Although he was at work – we spent a few minutes catching up – which was great – he shares he and Anjali are looking into buying a house and welcomed me to stay some time (SURE WILL). He said he created a CD of his three winning speeches and would like to bring them to the Toastmasters International Convention to SELL (WAY TO GO!!) and he asked me my advice about how to sell at the back of the room! (He asked me! Friends I haven’t sold any products yet – but this IS something I will be focusing on this year – just like completing my www.findyourplatform.com website). I suggested that he connect with Darren LaCroix and I also promised to ask his question at the Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp I am attending this weekend in Calgary.
The next thing I did was ask an airline staff about the “business center” so I could use the wireless and catch up on the MANY emails that I accumulate during the day. She was very pleasant and said – "OH that can be expensive – why don’t you do what I see many others do – go to the President’s Club". I said, "President’s Club? What is that" ? She said, "It is a private members only club – but that I could sit outside the area and connect onto the wireless for free". Perfect!
AND THAT is exactly what I did for the next few hours. BUT before I did that – I just had to see THE PRESIDENT’S CLUB and I got a tour – WOW – What an eye opener. If you have never been – you must at least visit it – If I were a frequent traveler – I would not hesitate to join THE PRESIDENT’S CLUB and maybe one day I will!! But please note that even though you may get a connection – there is no guarantee that you won’t get bumped off (like I did a few times!).
And for those of you who are like me and are new to traveling and never heard of The President’s Club Lounge - let me share this link
“Continental's Presidents Club offers the busy traveler personalized service and a relaxing oasis in 27 private airport clubrooms. The comfort and privacy of these clubrooms allow you to take care of business, conduct a meeting, make phone calls or just relax between flights in pleasant surroundings”.
“As a Presidents Club member, you may entertain two friends or business associates, or your immediate family (spouse and children under 21 years of age), any time you visit a Presidents Club. Members also have access to over 40 affiliated lounges worldwide”.
“BusinessFirst and International Business Class customers are also welcome to visit the Presidents Club*. A same-day BusinessFirst or International Business Class boarding pass is required for admission. BusinessFirst customers can also bring up to two guests, or a spouse and children under the age of 21. Domestic First Class customers do not qualify for admission”. * Must be at least 21 year of age.
OH and timing was also on my side - I was able to listen to the Talking Toastmasters hosts Bo Bennett and Ryan Levesque as they interviewed Rich Hopkins about his journey to the International Speech Contest Stage. Have a live listen.
I will post more about my trip – I am just getting started and I am not even in CALGARY YET!!
1. Something that assures a particular outcome or condition: Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure.
a. A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
b. A pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner.
a. A guaranty by which one person assumes responsibility for paying another's debts or fulfilling another's responsibilities.
b. A guaranty for the execution, completion, or existence of something.
4. A guarantor.
tr.v., -teed, -tee•ing, -tees.
Well, one thing I can say about Toastmasters is that it is helping me learn how to TRAVEL and there is a LOT to know about TRAVELING!! Beginning with learning about my own little state of Massachusetts and finding cities and towns that I have never even heard of! But I am not only learning how to read a map or following connecting routes on the automobile road, in addition I am also learning how to travel on airplanes taking trips outside of my own state.
There are many things to consider when you are going to travel. Let’s begin with booking the flight. HMMM – so far I think the price is what I consider when flying. I had a flight booked with Continental Airlines leaving this morning August 8, 2008 at 7:00AM flight to Houston Texas and a connecting flight from Houston to Calgary for 11:00 am.
Now just because I have this flight booked and paid for does NOT absolutely guarantee that I will board the flight, land and connect at those times. OUCH ! not again – My flight to Houston was delayed an hour due to the rain. I left Logan International in Boston at about 8:45 AM landed in Houston at 11: 25 am and my connecting flight had already departed! GREAT - soooo the next connecting flight wasn;t leaving until 6:00PM which means I may (or may not depending on what happens) get into Calgary at about 10:00PM – west coast time.
What do YOU do when your flight is delayed for – in my case six hours? Or What if YOUR flight is cancelled?
Well this is what I did – I called the 2007 WCPS, Vikas Jhingran who now lives here in Houston on the chance that he would be able to show me the sites. Although he was at work – we spent a few minutes catching up – which was great – he shares he and Anjali are looking into buying a house and welcomed me to stay some time (SURE WILL). He said he created a CD of his three winning speeches and would like to bring them to the Toastmasters International Convention to SELL (WAY TO GO!!) and he asked me my advice about how to sell at the back of the room! (He asked me! Friends I haven’t sold any products yet – but this IS something I will be focusing on this year – just like completing my www.findyourplatform.com website). I suggested that he connect with Darren LaCroix and I also promised to ask his question at the Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp I am attending this weekend in Calgary.
The next thing I did was ask an airline staff about the “business center” so I could use the wireless and catch up on the MANY emails that I accumulate during the day. She was very pleasant and said – "OH that can be expensive – why don’t you do what I see many others do – go to the President’s Club". I said, "President’s Club? What is that" ? She said, "It is a private members only club – but that I could sit outside the area and connect onto the wireless for free". Perfect!
AND THAT is exactly what I did for the next few hours. BUT before I did that – I just had to see THE PRESIDENT’S CLUB and I got a tour – WOW – What an eye opener. If you have never been – you must at least visit it – If I were a frequent traveler – I would not hesitate to join THE PRESIDENT’S CLUB and maybe one day I will!! But please note that even though you may get a connection – there is no guarantee that you won’t get bumped off (like I did a few times!).
And for those of you who are like me and are new to traveling and never heard of The President’s Club Lounge - let me share this link
“Continental's Presidents Club offers the busy traveler personalized service and a relaxing oasis in 27 private airport clubrooms. The comfort and privacy of these clubrooms allow you to take care of business, conduct a meeting, make phone calls or just relax between flights in pleasant surroundings”.
“As a Presidents Club member, you may entertain two friends or business associates, or your immediate family (spouse and children under 21 years of age), any time you visit a Presidents Club. Members also have access to over 40 affiliated lounges worldwide”.
“BusinessFirst and International Business Class customers are also welcome to visit the Presidents Club*. A same-day BusinessFirst or International Business Class boarding pass is required for admission. BusinessFirst customers can also bring up to two guests, or a spouse and children under the age of 21. Domestic First Class customers do not qualify for admission”. * Must be at least 21 year of age.
OH and timing was also on my side - I was able to listen to the Talking Toastmasters hosts Bo Bennett and Ryan Levesque as they interviewed Rich Hopkins about his journey to the International Speech Contest Stage. Have a live listen.
I will post more about my trip – I am just getting started and I am not even in CALGARY YET!!
1. Something that assures a particular outcome or condition: Lack of interest is a guarantee of failure.
a. A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
b. A pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner.
a. A guaranty by which one person assumes responsibility for paying another's debts or fulfilling another's responsibilities.
b. A guaranty for the execution, completion, or existence of something.
4. A guarantor.
tr.v., -teed, -tee•ing, -tees.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Just Getting Started
“To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage”
Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)
Here it is - my NEW Website - Launched Today! www.findyourplatform.com
I bought this domain name last year at the August 2007 Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp -it was one of my 10 goals that I wanted to complete.
It didn;t take a YEAR to create it - it took a year to believe I COULD make it happen - so I may be slow - but at least when I go to Champ Camp this year on Saturday August 9th - Monday August 11th - I can feel great about KNOWING that I made a deadline - and I won;t be sitting there saying - "I WISH I..."
Well, at least I won;t be saying that about my website but I may be saying it about "asking for a fee"... (but that is another post!).
ANY and ALL feedback is welcomed - I need to work on the colors - I can finally say - "DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT"!!
Do YOU have a Website?
Do YOU want a Website?
What’s stopping YOU from following through on “Just Getting Started”?
..”it would appear that many web page developers have not clearly defined their objectives!
“There are many good reasons for building a web page but it is important that your goals are clear. Your objectives should drive the content and the design. Many people build home pages as a hobby, purely for their own personal development. Others build them to promote business, social, cultural, humanitarian, or business objectives”
“Knowledge of web page development can help you in your career. Many businesses today have their own corporate Intranet sites, which are simply internal Internet systems used to share corporate information. The ability to communicate electronically is a valuable skill to employers”.
“There is also potential for generating income from the web pages you develop. This is done by publishing interesting pages that attract large numbers of visitors and then selling advertising space, goods or services from those pages”.
Web site
web site. Informational or commercial computer files posted on the Internet and viewable from remote computers.
A site (location) on the World Wide Web. Each Web site contains a home page, which is the first document users see when they enter the site. The site might also contain additional documents and files. Each site is owned and managed by an individual, company or organization.
• e act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time
• introduction: the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
• the act of propelling with force
Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes (American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist, 1803-1882)
Here it is - my NEW Website - Launched Today! www.findyourplatform.com
I bought this domain name last year at the August 2007 Get Paid to Speak Champ Camp -it was one of my 10 goals that I wanted to complete.
It didn;t take a YEAR to create it - it took a year to believe I COULD make it happen - so I may be slow - but at least when I go to Champ Camp this year on Saturday August 9th - Monday August 11th - I can feel great about KNOWING that I made a deadline - and I won;t be sitting there saying - "I WISH I..."
Well, at least I won;t be saying that about my website but I may be saying it about "asking for a fee"... (but that is another post!).
ANY and ALL feedback is welcomed - I need to work on the colors - I can finally say - "DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT"!!
Do YOU have a Website?
Do YOU want a Website?
What’s stopping YOU from following through on “Just Getting Started”?
..”it would appear that many web page developers have not clearly defined their objectives!
“There are many good reasons for building a web page but it is important that your goals are clear. Your objectives should drive the content and the design. Many people build home pages as a hobby, purely for their own personal development. Others build them to promote business, social, cultural, humanitarian, or business objectives”
“Knowledge of web page development can help you in your career. Many businesses today have their own corporate Intranet sites, which are simply internal Internet systems used to share corporate information. The ability to communicate electronically is a valuable skill to employers”.
“There is also potential for generating income from the web pages you develop. This is done by publishing interesting pages that attract large numbers of visitors and then selling advertising space, goods or services from those pages”.
Web site
web site. Informational or commercial computer files posted on the Internet and viewable from remote computers.
A site (location) on the World Wide Web. Each Web site contains a home page, which is the first document users see when they enter the site. The site might also contain additional documents and files. Each site is owned and managed by an individual, company or organization.
• e act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time
• introduction: the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
• the act of propelling with force
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